On 17.12.12 21:35, Noit wrote:
So Im working hard to release an app but I cant use localStorage! Because data 
is stored as a string, when i call it, back the data is still a string. I can't 
use eval!! How can I use eval?

Man this app dev experience has been misreable.
From https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/DOM/Storage:

*Note:* Keep in mind that everything you store in any of the storages described in this page is converted to string using its |.toString| method before being stored. So trying to store a common object will result in string |"[object Object]"| to be stored instead of the object or its JSON representation. Using native JSON parsing and serialization methods provided by the browser is a good and common way for storing objects in string format.

AKA, please don't use eval, but use JSON to serialize and deserialize your data.

Or better still, use indexedDB? I think that's the storage that most of our apps use.

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