On Friday, May 24, 2013 2:37:35 AM UTC-7, Morten Olsen Lysgaard wrote:
> Hi, I'm now using peak as my day to day phone to
> get a better understandig of how the platform feels.
> I have the peak and I've noticed that many of the apps
> have really small icon sizes. Some even run in a small
> box at the top of the screen. I'm struggelig to understand why
> the apps don't scale to the full screen of the peak.
> They look nice in the Firefox OS simulator.
> Is the peak not reporting the correct screen size or DPI to Gaia?
> Doesn't Gaia support the screen size that the peak runs?
> This really hurts usability and it affects almost all the apps
> I've found on the Market. It also affects the stock notes app.
> Anyone here with knowledge of why apps seem to scale incollectly
> and is there a general way to solve it or is it the induvidual apps
> that are the problem?

I hope this gets answered. I've become very interested in scalability, 
adaptive, and responsive web design and think it is important that everything 
run on everything and look nice :-)

I still don't have a Peak, but I think Firefox OS has to be scalable as much as 
possible. Seems like an easy thing to test, at least visually.

I'm open to either solution: make apps solve the problem or make the OS do it. 
But it might be better to have the app do the adapting because they can measure 
the real estate and shuffle things around to suit. Especially on Firefox OS 
phones, which by their budgetary nature, might be on the small side.
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