Hello guys,

I'm trying to port the B2G to Galaxy 5(GT-5500). I have no much experience with 
Android port neither with B2G. I've found a lot of material in CyanogemMod wiki 
and MDN, but some doubts still remains.

I've found the kernel source and some vendors' binaries, but I have no idea how 
to put them in B2G source tree and compile everything.(Actually, I have some 
ideas but I haven't tested it yet).

So, anyone here could help me with this task?

I would like to understand how B2G build works and how the Gaia is started. I 
guess that a prebuild kernel can be used. I know where to find the init.rc 
files, .idc(for touchscreen) and .mk of my device.

Could Anyone here help me?

Thanks a lot!

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