hi Kairo, akeybl, dietrich;

kairo: I was under the impression most people were now using 
easier-to-get geeksphones, but thats just my impression. Sounds like 
you are asking a bigger dogfooding question.

akeybl/dietrich: can you help answer a dogfooding question here? This 
also came up in yesterdays b2g-cross-group meeting, and its unclear 
what we should be doing with otoro builds and dogfooders.

On Wed Jul 24 06:53:10 2013, Robert Kaiser wrote:
> John O'Duinn schrieb:
>> I'm being told that no-one is using the Otoro builds anymore, so they
>> are safe to turn off. If you use Otoro builds, please let me know...
>> otherwise, we'll declare them no-longer-needed, and turn them off to
>> save compute cycles for other builds.
> For one thing, I think any regularly udpated otoro is probably on the
> beta channel of unagi 1.1 builds right now anyhow.
> That said, if we turn off builds for otoro, that also means we
> basically officially say "people should not test on the otoro any
> more". As I'm one of those people who are still using the otoro, do we
> have enough other devices to replace those otoros that are still with
> people? If so, which device should people like me request as a
> replacement?
> KaiRo
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