> But after tracing wpa_supplicant code, we found that we cannot retrieve the 
> notification socket in pcsc_funcs.c.
> There is no API to get it and wpa_supplicant neither pass any information 
> through above APIs for pcsc_func to
>  retrieve the notification socket.

I already tried to pass UNIX domain socket file descriptor to scard_init().
But it doesn't work.
To make it work, I need to make another UDP socket.

Dimi Lee, could you make a thread on Bugzilla for this discussion ?

Dimi Lee, could you review my patch
(https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=890694) ?

Masashi Honma.

2013/8/2 Dimi Lee <d...@mozilla.com>:
> Hi Jonas,
>   I will explain pcsc_funcs first and then propose possible solution in 
> current architecture if we want to use
>   existing wifi worker.
>   pcsc stands for Personal Computer/Smartcard Interface.
>   The main usage of this component(pcsc_funcs.c) is it provide an interface 
> for wpa_supplicant to access USIM/GSM SIM.
>   And following is the APIs it provides:
>   - struct scard_data * scard_init(scard_sim_type sim_type)
>   - void scard_deinit(struct scard_data *scard);
>   - int scard_set_pin(struct scard_data *scard, const char *pin);
>   - int scard_get_imsi(struct scard_data *scard, char *imsi, size_t *len);
>   - int scard_gsm_auth(struct scard_data *scard, const unsigned char *_rand, 
> unsigned char *sres, unsigned char *kc);
>   - int scard_umts_auth(struct scard_data *scard, const unsigned char *_rand, 
> const unsigned char *autn, unsigned char *res, size_t *res_len, unsigned char 
> *ik, unsigned char *ck, unsigned char *auts);
>   and pcsc component will be used when wpa_supplicant is doing EAP-SIM / 
> EAP-AKA authentication.
>   As you can see scard_gsm_auth & scard_umts_auth are the authentication APIs.
>   The original implementation of pcsc_funcs.c access SIM through "card 
> reader", it will need to link another package
>   called pcsc-lite and acsess SIM through card reader.
>   But in our B2G we don't support card reader and we don't need such a 
> complicate way to get SIM information because
>   we can access SIM simply through RIL module. So the architecture diagram 
> show we modify pcsc_funcs to communicate
>   with WifiWorker directly and then access SIM through RadioInterfaceLayer.js.
>   The best way to communicate with WifiWorker is reuse original notification 
> IPC channel established between
>   WifiWorker and wpa_supplicant so we will not need to create another worker 
> thread listen on another IPC channel.
>   But after tracing wpa_supplicant code, we found that we cannot retrieve the 
> notification socket in pcsc_funcs.c.
>   There is no API to get it and wpa_supplicant neither pass any information 
> through above APIs for pcsc_func to
>   retrieve the notification socket.
>   So if we want to re-use existing worker, i will propose modify the 
> scard_init API and add another parameter to let
>   wpa_supplicant pass it's context, and then in pcsc_func we can retrieve 
> notification socket through the context.
>   The drawback of this solution is that we changed the API, so it means we 
> need modify the code of wpa_supplicant.
>   In this case, maybe we will need to discuss with qualcomm and apply a 
> mozilla patch to qualcomm wpa_supplicant, so
>   the wpa_supplicant will use the new API. Or we will need to maintain our 
> own wpa_supplicant in our repository, but
>   i think its a pretty bad idea to maintain our own wpa_supplicant.
>   Please let me know your suggestion, thanks
>   Best regards
>   Dimi
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Jonas Sicking" <jo...@sicking.cc>
> To: "Dimi Lee" <d...@mozilla.com>
> Cc: "Kyle Machulis" <kmachu...@mozilla.com>, "dev-b2g" 
> <dev-b2g@lists.mozilla.org>
> Sent: Friday, August 2, 2013 12:37:53 PM
> Subject: Re: [b2g] EAP-SIM Architecture proposal
> On Thu, Aug 1, 2013 at 2:33 AM, Dimi Lee <d...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>> Hi Jonas,
>>   For first question, i would say we need another worker thread listening on 
>> the EAP
>>   IPC channel. We cannot use original wpa_supplicant IPC channel because in 
>> pcsc_funcs
>>   component, we cannot access the IPC socket already established between 
>> wifi worker
>>   and wpa_supplicant. pcsc_funcs component is fairly independent with main 
>> wpa_supplicant
>>   source code, so in that component, there is no way to get the ipc socket 
>> from wpa_supplicant.
> I don't really know what pcsc_funcs is or does so I don't really
> understand the above.
> However starting another worker isn't really an option here I think.
> Workers simply use too much memory. So we need to either figure out
> how to do this from the main thread, or from the existing wifi worker.
>>   The above reason is also the answer for the second question you mentioned. 
>> Because pcsc_funcs
>>   is fairly independent, we just need to implement the five API in 
>> pcsc_funcs component.
>>   No matter how OEM modify their own wpa_supplicant source. As long as they 
>> do not add/remove
>>   API for pcsc_funcs, the EAP-SIM will work correctly.
> Sounds good. I still think we need to add it to the FirefoxOS
> certification suite (once that's fully established) that EAP-SIM needs
> to be tested, and how to test it. This is something we should do for
> the other wifi functionality too.
> / Jonas
>>   Please let me know if you still have any concern or question.
>>  BR
>>  Dimi
>> ----- Original Message -----
>> From: "Jonas Sicking" <jo...@sicking.cc>
>> To: "Dimi Lee" <d...@mozilla.com>, "Kyle Machulis" <kmachu...@mozilla.com>
>> Cc: "dev-b2g" <dev-b2g@lists.mozilla.org>
>> Sent: Thursday, August 1, 2013 3:30:18 PM
>> Subject: Re: [b2g] EAP-SIM Architecture proposal
>> Hi Dimi,
>> I have a couple of concerns here.
>> First off, my understanding is that this doesn't create any new
>> workers, right? This only adds additional code to the already existing
>> worker that we are using to communicate with the wpasupplicant. Is
>> this correct? If so that's fine. We need to avoid adding more workers,
>> but adding functionality to existing ones sounds fine for now.
>> I'm also worried about having to modify the wpa supplicant. My
>> understanding is that OEMs ship their own wpa supplicant quite often.
>> How will we ensure that this feature will still work on a shipped
>> device?
>> Other than that I don't have much input. But I'm very much not an
>> expert in this code. cc'ing Kyle who have might more opinions.
>> / Jonas
>> On Wed, Jul 3, 2013 at 12:58 AM, Dimi Lee <d...@mozilla.com> wrote:
>>> Hi all,
>>> Currently taipei team are implementing the EAP-SIM WIFI authentication 
>>> protocol for B2G device.
>>> We want to share current architecture to know if there are any problem or 
>>> suggestion of this design.
>>> So any suggestion or question is welcome.
>>> I will briefly describe what is EAP-SIM first then introduce how we are 
>>> going to implement it.
>>> What is EAP-SIM?
>>> EAP-SIM protocol was developed by 3GPP and it is an authentication method 
>>> based on Extensible Authentication
>>> Protocol(EAP) framework. It use SIM authentication algorithm between the 
>>> cleint and the Authentication server
>>> to provide mutual authentication.
>>> The basic idea is each SIM card contain a private key and this key is also 
>>> stored in operator's home location
>>> register(HLR) which can be identified by IMSI of SIM card. So device send 
>>> it's IMSI to authentication server
>>> so server can retrieve the private key. Because both device and server have 
>>> the same private key so they can
>>> use challenge-response based authentication algorithm to verify each other.
>>> Architecture - Modification:
>>> wpa_supplicant support the flow to handle EAP-SIM authentication, it use a 
>>> component accessing card reader
>>> interface to communicate with SIM card to get necessary information.But 
>>> this way is not supported in our B2G device.
>>> So what we are planing to do is use gecko RIL module instead of using card 
>>> read interface.
>>> Although we are trying not to modify wpa_supplicant, this task cannot be 
>>> done without any modification of code
>>> in wpa_supplicant. So we limit our changes only happen in one file 
>>> (pcsc_funcs.c) which the original function
>>> of this file is using card reader interface to access sim card. What we do 
>>> here is modify this file and redirect
>>> command from wpa_supplicant to gecko module to get sim information.
>>> The pcsc_funcs.c file provide following interface used by wpa_supplicant 
>>> and we will modify the implementation of each interface:
>>> 1.scard_init : Establish IPC connection to gecko
>>> 2.scard_deinit : Close IPC channel
>>> 3.scard_get_imsi : Use established IPC connection to get IMSI
>>> 4.scard_gsm_auth : Use established IPC connection to notify RIL to do gsm 
>>> authentication
>>> 5.scard_umts_auth : Use established IPC connection to notify RIL to do umts 
>>> authentication
>>> You can use following link to get more clear view of this architecture.
>>> https://docs.google.com/drawings/d/1FsY1EU_NF7Rsu_D6VU9V0KZHHSdSCXmV_MhwZ-6Mc0U/edit
>>> Architecture - Flow of EPA-SIM:
>>> When WifiManager is initialized, it firstly create a worker thread listen 
>>> on specific socket, We implement this component
>>> in gecko/ipc/wpasupplicant to handle this job.
>>> When wpa_supplicant is trying to connect to an AP with EAP-SIM protocol, it 
>>> will call scard_init first.
>>> In scard_init we will establish an IPC channel with ipc/wpasupplicant.
>>> When wpa_supplicant need any sim information or operation, it will call API 
>>> like scard_get_imsi, scard_gsm_auth ...etc
>>> We use the IPC channel established before and notify WifiManager that 
>>> wpa_supplicant need sim operation.
>>> Since WifiManager do not have the ability to access sim card, we create a 
>>> RIL instance in WifiManager and use API of
>>> RadioInterfaceLayer to execute opeartion we need.
>>> Following is API we will need to add in nsIRadioInterfaceLayer.idl
>>> interface nsIRadioInterfaceLayer : nsISupports
>>> {
>>> void simGSMAuthentication(in DOMString rand);
>>> void simUMTSAuthentication(in DOMString rand, in DOMString autn);
>>> ...
>>> };
>>> Please feel free to share any suggestion, we are glad to hear any feedback 
>>> :)
>>> Thanks,
>>> Best regards
>>> Dimi
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