How will it work with a virtual box?

On Friday, July 19, 2013, Alex Keybl <> wrote:
> [please keep any replies on dev.b2g]
> Mozilla and the community have been on a roll creating new products and
evolving existing ones. We now release multiple browsers across a multitude
of platforms, including
> * Firefox – three desktop pre-release channels alongside our shipping
version for Mac OS X, Linux, and Windows (soon with a redesign)
> * Firefox for Android – compatible with thousands of phones and tablets,
also shipping to four channels
> * Firefox ESR – sometimes with two supported releases overlapping at once
> All of these products share a single platform, Gecko, and collectively
release to hundreds of millions of users almost exactly every six weeks.
Like a well-practiced choir, we synchronize our technical and
organizational heartbeat around releases. This heartbeat enables us to push
a unified vision across the entire web, keep our users regularly delighted
with new (many times cross-platform) functionality, and prevent any one
product from lagging behind in security updates.
> You may have heard that we recently added a new product to the litter,
Firefox OS. To put it bluntly, the project as a whole has been an
incredible undertaking but we’ve finally pushed our v1.0 out the door with
the help of our community and partners.
> Unlike our desktop/mobile releases, we’ve had to do go even further than
delighting our users. We’ve also had to juggle the timelines and
requirements of all of the OEMs, carriers, and chipset manufacturers that
we’ve partnered with. These new variables lead us to standardize on Gecko
18 for our first two major releases of Firefox OS. It made us “skip a
beat”, but for all the right reasons.
> Now that we have our v1.0 behind us and we’re moving forward with even
more partners, we’re going to do our best to bring Firefox OS back into our
heartbeat and will make quarterly feature releases available to partners
along with six-weekly security updates for the previous two feature
releases. As far as I know, that’s the most aggressive mobile OS release
strategy  out there (and may still require some tweaking).
> This sort of alignment across multiple browser products, and now an OS,
is unprecedented at the pace we’re moving. Keep it up, Mozillians.
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make it onto the wiki shortly)
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