пятница, 1 ноября 2013 г., 8:47:33 UTC+11 пользователь iacc...@gmail.com 
> Hi,
> I'm trying to compile a multilocale build of v.1.2 for the ZTE Open, but it's 
> failing almost immediately. Trying without multilocale works fine (or at 
> least it doesn't get stuck at the point the multilocale does, I haven't 
> finished compilation of the other one because I'm not interested). These are 
> the steps I followed:
> 1. prepared the build environment (linux x64) as per mdn docs
> 2. pulled b2g using "BRANCH=v1.2 ./config.sh inari"
> 3. cloned l10n for gaia as per mdn docs except I used 
> http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/gaia-l10n/v1_2/it/ and 
> http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/gaia-l10n/v1_2/en-US/ which should be the 
> correct ones for v.1.2
> 4. created /home/me/gaia/shared/resources/languages-mio.json with inside:
> {
>   "en-US" : "English (US)",
>   "it"    : "Italiano"
> }
> to build just English and Italian.
> 5. NOT cloned l10n gecko-related because I don't know which version of gecko 
> I should clone
> 6. given the following commands on console:
> export LOCALE_BASEDIR=/home/me/gaia-l10n
> export LOCALES_FILE=/home/me/gaia/shared/resources/languages-mio.json
> this last variable is to enable italian keyboard layout.
> 7. launched compilation with "./build.sh -j1"
> as I said, the build fails after a few seconds. The last part of what's shown 
> in console is pasted here: http://pastebin.com/L9gL0vpr
> I believe it may be because that folder 
> (external-apps/marketplace.firefox.com) is not present in gaia-l10n, but then 
> no v1.2 localised build should exist but they do, so I don't know what I'm 
> doing wrong. Can anyone be of help?
> thanks,
> Iacopo

Use this variant of added locale:
Only change language on it
No problem with 1.2-pre1.3
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