On Thursday, November 21, 2013 1:02:19 AM UTC-8, Bob Thulfram wrote:
> When I have an app running on the phone and it stops (because I killed a 
> timing loop), is there a way to refresh it? If I hit the home button and 
> restart the app, it just seems to come back where it was. 
> Also, is there a way to pro grammatically through JavaScript stop an app from 
> running? Or restart it?
> Finally, neither cancelAnimationFrame or mozCancelAnimationFrame seem to 
> work. Anyone know what the story is? They work fine in the browser and in the 
> emulator, but not on the 1.0 ZTE Open phone.
> Thanks!

I've done more thought and research, and here are my conclusions.

1. window.close() is not an option.

2. cancelAnimationFrame just doesn't seem to work right now.

3. but wrapping my calls to requestAnimationFrame in a setTimeout timer works 
because I can stop the setTimeout timer. I'll write this up on Monday on my 
blog at http://firefoxosgaming.blogspot.com/.

I still wish ZTE/Firefox OS had some equivalent of a task manager so I could 
stop apps but not uninstall them.
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