Which version are you on? There was a bug on 1.0.1 (I think it was fixed for 
1.1, I can check it later if you wish) that could cause the symptoms you 
describe (a loop where you get offered some bogus update that doesn't go away) 
even after finishing correctly.

Un saludo,


> On 17/01/2014, at 16:13, "Marek Raida" <marek.ra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I'm on ZTE Open FFOS 1.1 and for couple of weeks I'm abused with update 
> notification for Marketplace and Here Maps applications,
> but every time I run then, couple of kilobytes are downloaded and then it 
> ends without error, but next time after restart the notification is here 
> again.
> I'm on Movistar branded edition.
> Is somebody else also experiencing similar issue and is some solution known?
> Thx,
> MR
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