Oh wow, you're Dave Hylands! 

The only previous info I could find on the Emulator SD-card came from your 
Bugzilla thread - https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=828063 

Glad to finally meet you. =) 

On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:51:07 AM UTC-8, Dave Hylands wrote:
> Hi Hugh,
> So I tried running ds-test (which has the DS icon). (I left the SDCARD_SIZE 
> at its default).
> It seems to be running fine in the emulator.
> I chose "Add & Del Unnamed File" 
> You can find the source for ds-test in gaia/test_apps/ds-test

Yes your app works fine on my Emulator build. I was able to Add file, Del file, 
Show File, Add & Del Unnamed File, get Free Space, etc. testing the SD-card 
with your app. 

> Was the certified app installed as part of the emulator build?

I copied the app dir into {B2G}/gaia/apps and did ./build.sh to install the app 
into the Emulator build. 

My relevant code segment looks like this: 


            var sdcard  = navigator.getDeviceStorage("sdcard"); 
            var fname   = "testfile"; 
            var file    = new Blob( ["Hello, World"], {type: "text/plain"} ); 
            var request = sdcard.addNamed(file, fname); 

            request.onsuccess = function() 
              alert("File created: " + fname); 
            request.onerror = function() 
              alert("Unable to create file: " + this.error); 


Sadly, neither alerts were triggered. 

> I was running master fetched from last night. Were there any messages in 
> logcat?
> Dave Hylands

Is there perhaps some obvious step that I missed? Much obliged for your tips 
and suggestions. 


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