On Tue, Apr 8, 2014 at 9:24 AM, Alive <al...@mozilla.com> wrote:
> In case not every one knows, we are trying to keep a crashed app in task
> manager and restore it with the latest url. It’s implemented already,
> see https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=935750
> Someone call it ‘zombie app’, but I call this ‘suspending app’ to reflect
> it’s suspending.
> I am not familiar with how gecko implements session restore,
> but as James Burke said, it’d be easy to keep the state with url in system
> app and restore the url in the app resuming process.

I was curious to see how the URL restoration worked, what its limits
were, so I created a test app that uses pushState with URL fragment ID
changes. It seems like perhaps that bug is just for a crash scenario
and not an OOM? I could not trigger a case where it would resume from
last URL with the fragment ID, but I was mostly testing an OOM case.

But bigger picture for me, along the thoughts in this thread, is to
have a way for the history state to be maintained, such that this
sample app could relaunch at its last state/URL and clicking the <
back button inside the app would continue to work for the history
state it had previously.

I can see where there are complications for the system to know when to
restore this and when to start fresh based on user action. Hopefully
the test app could help if someone wanted to play with changes to get
it to work. If there are bugs already filed for this, or other
discussions related to it, feel free to point me in the right

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