I haven't heard from anyone about this, yet.
I'll assume that mulet will cover our needs here, and wontfix these
bugs, if I haven't heard anything by EOD.


On 7/9/14 11:29 AM, Aki Sasaki wrote:
> Releng has sunk a number of weeks' work, cumulatively, into darwin
> emulator builds, which was deemed a blocker for specific 1.2 projects
> late last year.  Aiui, these builds require setting up a special
> darwin-emulator-specific environment before the build can happen; these
> special requirements are slowing everything down drastically.
> * Does mulet suffice here?  If so, we can wontfix.
> * If it doesn't, do these emulator builds still block b2g work?
> ** If they do, let's stop requiring a special environment to build. 
> Let's get dev resources on
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1036483 , and loan them an
> osx build machine to verify that their steps work in the releng
> environment before handing back to releng.
> ** If not, let's wontfix or otherwise explicitly deprioritize.
> https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=905742
> Thanks,
> aki

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