Recently, it was landed in master (not 2.0) Bug 935891 that allows showing
the SMSC number but it¹s not possible to edit that field yet. It seems
that a Gecko API would be necessary for that first.


El 18/07/14 18:25, "Alexandre Lissy" <> escribió:

>Le 18/07/2014 17:19, fz a écrit :
>> Hello all,
>> theres another prob, for which i actually have to pay for:
>> I use an Alcatel Onetouch Fire with FirefoxOS.
>> For sending SMS using my flatrate i have to change the SMSC - number.
>> But i can´t find any option in my alcatel to change it.
>> So i have to pay double time: the flatrate and every sms....
>> Would be thankful for expanding FirefoxOS to have the possibility to
>> change the SMSC.
>I saw this landing recently on master. No idea whether it's for 2.0 or
>> Thanks and regards,
>> Frank Ziehe
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