For the Dialer, I'm thinking those are important for dogfooders:
- Notification of missed calls (could be part of case #1306)
- User can use MMI codes. And respond to MMI sessions. (This is useful to check your phone credits)

PS: The link works if you're already logged into moztrap.

On 20/08/14 23:20, Jason Smith wrote:
Hi Everyone,

I'd like to get feedback on our current smoketest suite to see if there's 
agreement or disagreement with the test cases currently included in the test 
suite. Here is a link to the smoketest suite below:

Some questions I'd like feedback on include:

1. Which test cases do you think make sense to be included in a smoketest suite?
2. Which test cases do you think don't make sense to be included in a smoketest 
3. Are there test cases you don't see in the test suite that should be included?
4. Do you think the steps in certain test cases make sense or do you think 
there's some refinement needed on those test cases?

Jason Smith

dev-b2g mailing list

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