Looking at Bug 1070066 today, I found an interesting issue. Pretty much 
everywhere in gaia, it's assumed that the settings API will never fail on a 
query call. There's lots of calls to mozSettings.createLock().get()/set() that 
just expect to get back a DOMRequest no matter what.

The problem in bug 1070066 is that the call screen app closes itself before all 
of its callbacks are done, meaning that settings API calls are made after 
inner-window-destroyed. These fail in what look like settings issues, which it 
partially is, since the settings API is trying to create a DOMRequest with no 
window. This was true for the old API, and is true for the new one too. If we 
don't have a window, you're not getting back a DOMRequest. You're getting an 

Unfortunately, in terms of bug 1070066, it's getting fixed by things like bug 
1068109, where we just put in a 2 second wait for UX reasons that also happens 
to fix this. Great bandaid, and needed for UX, not actually a fix for the API 

So, we need to figure out what to do here. Almost all settings API calls in 
gaia are queries chained to createLock(), which means there's no error 
checking, and they'll throw exceptions, possibly leading to odd state issues 
like Bug 1070066. I've filed bug 1073259 to at least make the errors more 
descriptive, though they'll also look even more like settings errors so I look 
forward to lots more bugs filed against me. Going forward, what should we do 
here? Document better and try to wrap all current instances in try/catch? 
Return fake DOMRequest-like objects that instantly fail?
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