This is exactly hat I was trying to do, but sadly I'm coming upon a 
closed/locked system:

        # mount
        /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system /system ext4 ...
        /dev/block/vold/259:1 /storage/sdcard0 vfat ...
        /dev/block/vold/179:65 /storage/sdcard1 vfat ...

        # ls -l
        lrwxrwxrwx root     root              1970-01-01 01:00 
/dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name/system -> /dev/block/mmcblk0p12
        brw------- root     root     179,  12 1970-01-01 01:00 

Also, no permission to access the external sdcard:

        # ls -l /dev/block/vold/
        opendir failed, Permission denied

        # ls -l /dev/block/vold/259:1
        /dev/block/vold/259:1: Permission denied

        # ls -l /storage
        dr-xrwx--- system   sdcard_rw          1970-01-01 01:00 sdcard0
        dr-xrwx--- system   media_rw          1970-01-01 01:00 sdcard1

        # ls -l /storage/sdcard1
        opendir failed, Permission denied

> Am 10.11.2014 um 14:42 schrieb Gabriele Svelto <>:
> On 10/11/2014 14:29, Daniel Wacker wrote:
>> Thanks for the info! I am familiar with dd, but this would require me to 
>> have adb root access.
>> How to get adb root access on the OT-6015X?
> To read the partitions (in order to back them up) you shouldn't need
> root access, regular adb access should be enough. Run 'adb shell mount'
> to see which partitions are available and where they're mounted. You
> should backup 'system' at the very least if you want to experiment. You
> might also want to check for /dev/block/platform/msm_sdcc.1/by-name or
> something similar under /dev to see if you have functional names for all
> the phone's partitions if you want to back all of them up. Once you
> found the partitions you're interested in just us 'dd' to copy them to
> an external sd-card. You will need to use fastboot to flash them back
> later so check if you can enter fastboot on your device (by some
> power-on key combination).
>> By the way, after several months now, Alcatel/TCL still doesn't offer source 
>> files for the device, though they are in my understanding legally required 
>> to!
>> see
>> What is your opinion on this at mozilla?
> IIRC until now Alcatel has always provided their sources. Not sure how
> timely they were with that though.
> Gabriele

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