Last reminder, everyone: 9:00 to 11:00 on the Friday morning in the Marriott Waterfront Hotel's Oregon ballroom, I'll be hosting an Engineering-focused community-building session - "Effective Community Building Practices".

The goals are going to be:

- Relating known best-practices: what measurably works, what measurably doesn't, what metrics matter and what moves the needle. - Talks about goals, successes and failures from different corners of Mozilla, and
- Tactics for achieving our goals in 2015.

You'll love it, we have numbers and everything.

Despite my certainty that you'd all love to listen to me talk uninterrupted for two solid hours, we've also got a solid lineup of speakers including (so far) Mike Conley, Manish Goregaokar, Soumya Deb. Joel Maher, Clint Talbert, Nick Alexander, Josh Matthews and Lukas Blakk.

We're clearly tight for time and I don't want to waste any of yours, so I'm asking everyone to come into that meeting with a sense of what their 2015 community-growth goals look like and to be ready to talk boots-on-the-ground tactics.

Victory conditions here are that everyone to leave knowing what works and what to avoid in pursuing their goals, who to ask for help, and to know who each other are well enough to steer contributors and questions around Mozilla.

We've still got some headroom for more speakers; coordination is here:

... because who _doesn't_ love etherpads, right? Right?

Hope to see you there,

- mhoye
dev-b2g mailing list

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