On 29/12/2014 20:36, Gareth Aye wrote:
> Difficult to diagnose currently since flashing latest mozilla-central
> gaia + gecko makes the regions and cities disappear from the settings
> selector. Currently, my flame says it's 6:56pm which isn't correct in
> any timezone (it's 2:35 EST right now) and toggling the set
> automatically radio button to try to coerce time sync into triggering
> isn't working :/

This is a known bug that's been plaguing us for a while [1]. It's
Flame-specific and it stems from the way gecko interacts with the
phone's timing facilities which are provided by a vendor binary. The
binary in the v188 base image is apparently not working correctly with
gecko master leading to the issue you see. I've been testing a more
recent base image (v18D) which should be available very soon and the
problem seems to have been fixed there.


[1] [Flame v2.0] [Clock Time] - After restarting the phone, the time and
date displayed are wrong until there is a connection to the Internet

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