To use the redirects defined on the manifest, the app has to be certified or 
privileged. Certified apps are only distributed as part of a build (so for end 
users that means they're only distributed by the OEM), and privileged apps have 
to be vetoed and signed by Mozilla.

So although the code doesn't forbid you to do exactly what you say and steal 
all the redirects, in practice such a redirect wouldn't be signed by 
Mozilla/distributed by the OEM and so that code will only run on the apps you 
sideload to your own phone. And on those, you can do whatever you want (since 
it's your phone and your app :)).



On 05/04/2015 23:56, AJ ONeal (Home) wrote:
I guess that would only be an issue if I opened a webview from the app, had the 
user login to the vulnerable site to login, and then proceeded with the implcit 
grant attack in an iframe.

Seems like the attack vector is very slim assuming all of the cacheable dynamic 
data (cookie, localStorage, and indexeddb) are scoped for each page visit 
separately in my app and the browser app.

AJ ONeal

On Sun, Apr 5, 2015 at 3:35 PM, AJ ONeal (Home) 
<<>> wrote:
Isn't it a gaping wide security hole to allow me to steal redirects from any 

For example, I could start the implicit login strategy for some consumer (like<>) and set the redirect to be at that domain. Then the 
provider (say<>) will check the redirect_uri 
according to the security rules of the consumer app (imgur). That security check will pass 
and then FxOS will steal the redirect and provide me with the token that was intended for 

Shouldn't this be restricted to something like 

That way I could allow *.<<app-id>><> in the 
provider settings for the app and I would not be able to steal redirects.

I may not have thought it through fully, but I'm working on some oauth stuff 
right now where I just implemented domain checking and was considering possible 
attacks against browser strategies on various platforms.

AJ ONeal

On Sun, Mar 22, 2015 at 7:24 PM, Andrew Sutherland 
<<>> wrote:

On 03/22/2015 08:54 PM, AJ ONeal (Home) wrote:
I'm building an OAuth2 browser auth dialog in FxOS 2.0.0 and following the 
instructions here:

According to the implementation at your 
app needs to be privileged or certified for the redirect mechanism to be 
honored.  This might be the problem.

If not, the email app used redirects without the "browser" privilege when it first added 
gmail oauth2 support.  The pull request for that is at  We subsequently changed to use "browser" 
like the calendar app so we could clear the cookies (see for privacy reasons.  That bug also 
includes some other important changes, so don't rely on that one pull request for anything more 
than to look at something that worked for redirect purposes :)

The contacts app (under apps/communications) also does oauth2.


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