Ah excellent. I was looking for a bug related to this but couldn't find it.
Great to see that LeScan is getting there. Probably can use that. Easier
than implementing my own in Fennec.

On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 12:00 PM, Jocelyn Liu <jo...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Hi Jan,
> On Tue, Apr 21, 2015 at 4:18 PM, <janjongb...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> I would like to have Bluetooth beacon support in (at least) Firefox for
>> Android. In the past week I have been hacking on beacons and I believe
>> they're gonna be key to connecting the physical world with mobile phones.
>> Any discussion in W3C around this yet?
> There is an ongoing draft of BLE client API proposed in W3C Web Bluetooth
> Community Group,
> and Beacon is out of scope due to privacy risk according to the current
> spec.
> Please see section 2.1.6 in
> https://webbluetoothcg.github.io/web-bluetooth/use-cases.html#usecases_section
>> I guess the first iteration of the API could look something like:
>> interface BeaconScanner : EventTarget {
>>   void startScanning();
>>   void stopScanning();
>>   attribute EventHandler onbeaconfound;
>> }
>> interface Beacon {
>>   readonly attribute DOMString uuid;
>>   readonly attribute long major;
>>   readonly attribtue long minor;
>>   readonly attribute short rssi;
>> }
>> Support is there for Android 4.3+ and for OS/X (at least from what I can
>> test).
> FYI, bluetooth team is also working on BLE client API for Firefox OS,
> which will expose advertisement data.
> It's similar to,
> interface BluetoothAdapter {
>   Promise<BluetoothDiscoveryHandle> startLeScan();
>   Promise<void>                                     stopLeScan();
> }
> interface BluetoothDiscoveryHandle : EventTarget {
>   attribute EventHandler ondevicefound;
> }
> interface BluetoothLeDeviceEvent : Event {
>   readonly attribute BluetoothDevice device;
>   readonly attribute short rssi;
>   readonly attribute ArrayBuffer scanRecord;
> }
> Full documentation is in
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/B2G/Bluetooth/WebBluetooth-v2.
> LeScan: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=1063444
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