Hi guys :)

First of all I want to say thanks to Mozilla and everybody who is helping to 
make Firefox, Thunderbird and Firefox OS as great as they are! :D
For more than ten years now I am a happy Firefox user. :D

I bought an Firefox OS Phone (Alcatel One Touch Fire E) a week ago and Firefox 
OS is simply as great as Firefox is.

But there is an important problem that needs to be discussed, because it is a 
general problem in Firefox OS and it is security relevant:

# 1 # The problem
If you use the browser in Firefox OS you normally use an outdated version with 
security vulnerabilitys.
So why is the browser so outdated?

# 2 # Source of the problem
The reason why the browser is outdated is because it uses the Gecko browser 
engine that Firefox OS was build with.
This means that if Firefox OS does not have the latests security updates your 
browser is also not up-to-date.

The big problem is that at the moment it looks like we are only getting 
security updates (new versions of Gecko and so on) in new firmware updates.

If I am right, this update has to be done by the device manufacturer.
Usually this only happens a few times a year, if at all. This is far not often 
enough for security updates.

But even if the device manufacturers would release the new firmware updates 
often enough, it would not be fast enought:
We all know how often security updates are released for the desktop Browser 
And even the best device manufacturers normaly need months to bring out new 

Here is an example how outdated the browser can be:

# 3 # Example
At the moment this is the current status on my Alcatel One Touch Fire E:
Firefox OS 2.0 is the current OS for this device so it is using version 32 of 
the Gecko-Browser-Engine.
Gecko 32 is also used in Firefox 32 (the Browser) so we can have a look at the 
'Security Advisories for Firefox' to get an overview how many vulnerability are 
open in the browser:
As you can see we got a lots of vulnerabilities open in version 32 because 
allready 10 new versions of Firefox/Geko came out. :(
far to much to call it 'safe browsing' :((

So waiting for firmware updates by the device manufacturers is not fast enought 
... we need other ideas:

# 4 # Possible solutions
So here are some ideas how we could get faster security updates:
This is just brainstorming and all of you are invited to discuss, find new 
ideas and tell me if I understood something wrong :D

   # 4.1 # Let the browser become an app
   If the browser would be an app, with its own Gecko-Engine, it would be a lot 
easier to apply updates because the whole OS can stay unchanged and just the 
app needs to be updated over the marketplace. 
   So the device manufacturer has to do nothing and updates can be applied by 
Mozilla as fast as possible.
   But I could imagine that there is not enough RAM left on the devices to load 
another full version of Gecko but maybe I am wrong.

   # 4.2 # Gecko security updates from Mozilla 
   Mozilla already integrated a update routine that can just patch Gecko and 
Gaia in Firefox OS ist is called 'Gecko/Gaia OTA updates':
   This is interesting because this means that it is possible to update Gecko 
and leave Gonk unchanged.
   Leaving Gonk unchanged is interesting because Gonk is the hardware nearest 
part of Firefox OS.
   So if nothing is changed in the Gonk part, the device manufacturer may not 
needs to be involved.
   Gecko actually can be updated without reboot and in the background.
   The only 'problem' is that sometimes Gecko can not be updated without Gonk 
beeing updated.
   In this case a complete new firmware is necessary, which has to be done by 
the device manufacturer.
   But maybe Gonk does not need to be updated often if just vulnerabilitys are 

# 5 # Questions
So what do you think about this topic?
Do you have other ideas how to fix this problem?
Did I missunderstand something?
Is there already a planned solution?
Is this just a problem of my device or my device manufacturer?
Are the 'Gecko/Gaia OTA updates' mentioned in 4.2 under control of the device 
manufacturer or can Mozilla already use this to supply updates without to 
involve the device manufacturer?

best regards,
dev-b2g mailing list

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