I think Andrew is right.  you may want to configure fxos-web-server to use a 
different port than 80.
The ip address should be the same as your computer if you are talking about the 
webide / simulator; I think you should be able to use the loopback address and 
the new port number to connect.

On a side note, for the 3.0 simulator once you are connected, you can go to the 
menu -> runtime -> and select device preferences or device settings.
Which is very nice.  webide team is doing a great job in the tooling!   Thanks 


On May 15, 2015, at 10:41 AM, Andrew Sutherland <asutherl...@asutherland.org> 

> On Fri, May 15, 2015, at 10:00 AM, Soledad Penadés wrote:
>> But connecting a phone to my laptop is not really practical sometime, so 
>> I'd like to develop code using the simulator. However, I do not know how 
>> to access the simulator. It doesn't have an IP address, and `lsof -i -n 
>> -P -sTCP:LISTEN` doesn't show any port 80 accepting incoming 
>> connections. I also tried accessing the server from the Browser app in 
>> the simulator but it doesn't work either.
> Linux and most operating systems only let super-user processes bind to
> ports < 1024.  On your phone, b2g's main/parent process is running as
> root so it is able to bind to port 80.  This is most likely your
> problem.
> I would suggest binding to port 8080 or something like that in this
> case.  If you're not getting an error event when you call listen with
> port 80, you probably need to notice that you're running in the b2g
> simulator by sniffing the user agent or something equally hacky.
> Andrew
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