Hi Edagr, Jessica, and Bevis,

Ken, KenChang(irc), kenhkchang(skype).

On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 7:50 PM, Hsin-Yi Tsai <ht...@mozilla.com> wrote:

>  Hi B2G folks,
> I am very pleased to announce new changes in the owner/peer structure for
> B2G RIL component.
> Edgar Chen (:edgar) is now the owner of B2G RIL component, and I will
> work as a co-owner at his service for WebAPI discussion and review.
> Jessica Jong (:jessica) and Bevis Tseng (:bevistseng) are new RIL module
> peers.
> Edgar has done lots of fantastic work, including but not limited to
> introducing a robust design of network connection, modulizing the code
> structure, improving the RIL IPC mechanisms, and so on. He provided his
> valuable insights when doing review work to make sure not only
> functionalities work well but the code is clear and simple. With his broad
> and deep views on the RIL module, I am very excited to see more changes he
> has planed to do.  We do owe him this honour, so it's time. Thank you,
> Edgar!
> Jessica is experienced on network and data connection; she had worked in
> the era even before she joined Mozilla. She has been deeply involved in the
> network manager enhancement work, including data request reference
> counting, routes setting, timing of event firing, etc; she fixed all kinds
> of connection issues in addition to Lollipop porting. She showed her vision
> and ability for the network module enhancement plan. I believe she is ready
> for the new role.
> Bevis knows telephony stack and message protocols very well. His one major
> piece of work is to resolve the MMS routing issues that save many
> contributors' lives. He is also one key person to move the RIL IPC code to
> IPDL; along with that work, he introduced clear interfaces that heavily
> benefit our partners so that they can implement their RIL module more
> easily. He is definitely qualified for a RIL module peer given his
> expertise, passion and carefulness. I am sure we will see more
> contributions from him based on his new role.
> Thank you Edgar, Jessica and Bevis. You rock!
> RIL peer list:
> https://wiki.mozilla.org/Modules/FirefoxOS#Radio_Interface_Layer
> Best regards,
> Hsinyi
> --
> Hsin-Yi Tsai 蔡欣宜
> Mozilla taiwanht...@mozilla.com
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