I propose to introduce a specifically-named hg tag for B2G release
versions that is created at or around release day, for example

A consistent release tag can serve as anchor for security advisories,
release notes, other technical editing, management decisions, and
communication evolving around releases. It can also serve as reference
for partners when it comes to updates and spotting backports.

The current situation is that there are no specific release tags, just
an ambivalent collection of *_MERGEDAY tags ( see
http://hg.mozilla.org/releases/mozilla-b2g37_v2_2/ ) which continues to
accumulate over the maintenance cycle of a branch. This makes it hard to
impossible to reliably determine which state our technical writing is
referring to, especially when it comes to security advisories and what
bug they cover per release.

Even though Firefox has a different release model, their
FIREFOX_BETA_*_END tags are equivalent to release tags.


Christiane Ruetten
Mobile Malware Specialist
Firefox OS Security

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