Sanjoy Mahajan wrote:
> The contexttest repository now contains a Makefile to use for checking
> one context tree against another.  There's a README alongside it but
> here's the quickstart
ah, brilliant
>   svn export . /tmp/testdir
>   cd /tmp/testdir
>   make -k A=20070112 B=20070123 >& world.log
> (the -k is so it doesn't stop on the first error)
> It will
> 1. (if not already done) Download ConTeXt versions 2007.01.12 and
>    2007.01.23 from the museum, put each in its own subtree, make formats
>    for each
> 2. Do the following for each test-NNN.tex file:
>    a. Run it through 2007.01.12 to make test-NNN-20070112.pdf
>    b. Run it through 2007.01.23 to make test-NNN-20070123.pdf
>    c. Feed those pdfs to utils/ to generate a bitmap diff
>    d. Report differences found by (dB on each page)
> It was interesting running it.  I haven't sorted through all the output
> yet, but a one point was that a few unicode fonts are a problem (maybe
> because I don't have them, but it makes texexec loop for a long time
> doing mktextfm and the like).  More details to follow.
ok, so we need to set up a procedure for that
> Notes: 
> If you want to view the image diffs as they are generated, set the
> viewer shell variable in (I often use xloadimage).
> I'd be very surprised if the Makefile worked on anything but Linux (uses
> features of bash + GNU make).
once everything is in place we can look into that, for the moment using 
linux only is ok
> I was pretty careful about re-entrancy, so the following works fine at
> least in my testing:
>    make -k -j 4 A=20070112 B=20070123
> -Sanjoy
> `A nation of slaves is always prepared to applaud the clemency of their
>  master who, in the abuse of absolute power, does not proceed to the
>  last extremes of injustice and oppression.'  (Gibbon)  
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