Is there any solution to hook to the onload event of a window, frame
or document?

I need to know when the browser finished loading, built the dom and is
displaying the content. In my app I'm working with the ATF
MozillaBrowser. I know that there can be a ProgressListener attached
to but this does not work well for me because the completed event
fires for almost every frame in the window but oddly not for all. For
e.g.: if I load a site using frames and iframes containing 7
nsIDOMDocuments there are 5 completed events fired. Some times 3
events for 10 documents and so on. I couldn't find any pattern in this
and now I'm wondering if i can get somehow the sources of the event
meaning the document/frame for which the event was fired so I can
determine for which frames/documents the events were firend and for
which not.

Thanks in advance...


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