Hi Grant,

Grant Gayed wrote:
> Hi Jacek,
> I think the following does what you want (written in terms of
> java/javaxpcom):
> String url = "javascript:" + script + ";void(0);";
> nsIWebNavigation navigation =
> (nsIWebNavigation)webBrowser.queryInterface(nsIWebNavigation.NS_IWEBNAVIGATI
> ON_IID);
> navigation.loadURI(url, nsIWebNavigation.LOAD_FLAGS_NONE, null, null, null);

Thanks, but it's not enough for me. I need to pass an object as an 
argument to the script that will be called back. I need to do something 
like CompileFunction/CallEventHandler combination.
 I've already solved it by adding new interface to nsDocument that 
simply forward calls to nsIScriptContext. I will clean it up and try to 
make into the Gecko tree.

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