Hi There

I have an application which calculates the response times of websites
by accessing the web page(not crawling. only download one page and all
the images/files/innner html in that page) Right now we are  that uses
the IE layout engine to download a web page. I now need to use another
engine that can run on both Windows and Linux.  I tried using the
httplib of python, urllib2 in Java but in vain. Both the libraries
returned only the basic html page wihtout the images/innerhtml etc. I
am trying to simulate a users experiance while accesssesing a web
site. Can I embed Gecko to my application at achieve the same? Is
Gecko the right choice.

Right now I am trying to build Mozilla on my Windows XP machine. I
have downloaded the Mozilla build package into C:/mozilla_build. I
have downloaded the mozilla-source-1.8b1.tar. I have extracted the
files using 7 xip into C:Mozilla. I using MS Visual C++ 2005 and the
Windows SDK..

My .mozconfig file is
mk_add_options MOZ_CO_PROJECT=suite

# Options for 'configure' (same as command-line options).
ac_add_options --enable-compile-environment
ac_add_options --with-windows-version=501
ac_add_options --enable-application=suite

I trid to build Mozilla using the MINGW32 shell and get the following
checking for makedepend... no
checking for xargs... /bin/xargs
checking for make... /local/bin/make
checking for X... no
checking for 64-bit OS... no
/c/mozilla/configure: cygpath: command not found
/c/mozilla/configure: cygpath: command not found
configure: error: Cannot find /include/glib.h .
*** Fix above errors and then restart with               "make -f
client.mk build"
make: *** [/c/mozilla/obj-i686-pc-mingw32/Makefile] Error 1

Please advice if I am going in the right direction.

Thanks in advance

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