
I've got a cache problem with gecko , seaMonkey 1.1.1 and 1.1.4 and
I do not have the problem with Mozilla 1.7.7 and with IE

I created three pages containing the same image (jpg)

the first page is loaded using a loadURI
the second page is loaded via a script execution doing a
document.location.href=the seconf page
The third page is loaded via a loadURI

for the first and third page, int the jetty's logs appears the request
for the page and the image.
for the second page only appears the page loading (not the image)

I did a second test with the three same pages.
In the first and second page I put a <A href="" (href = the second
page for the first page and the third page for the second page).

In this case for each page appears the page loading and the image

I did a third test.

On the first and second page, I put onload="test()" int the body mark.

test is a javascript function doing

document.location.href= the second page for the fist page
and document.location.href= the third page for the second page.

In this case the image is only loaded for the first page.

In all case I've to see in the logs th epage loading and the image
loading with a response code= 304 (the image is still the same and
already in the cache).

It seems to be regression
 in the latest versions of gecko.

in grepprefs all.js we have

pref("browser.cache.disk.enable",           true);
pref("browser.cache.disk.capacity",         51200);
pref("browser.cache.memory.enable",         false);
//pref("browser.cache.memory.capacity",     -1);
// -1 = determine dynamically, 0 = none, n = memory capacity in
pref("browser.cache.disk_cache_ssl",        false);
// 0 = once-per-session, 1 = each-time, 2 = never, 3 = when-
pref("browser.cache.check_doc_frequency",   1);
// Fastback caching - if this pref is negative, then we calculate the
// of content viewers to cache based on the amount of available
pref("browser.sessionhistory.max_total_viewers", -1);

but we tried too with  pref("browser.cache.check_doc_frequency",   3);

Any idea... Will it be corrected ?

thank's for your help.


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