Le tag landuse=farm sera bientôt retiré du rendu standard de openstreetmap.org
[openstreetmap-carto sur GitHub

Il est maintenant suggéré de choisir un des tags plus explicites,
typiquement landuse=farmland ou landuse=farmyard ou autre landuse=*
Pas d'éditions automatiques bien sûr ! Vous pouvez tomber sur des
reliquats de CLC - Corine Land Cover.

Dans quelques jours les éléments landuse=farm ne seront plus visibles,
les trous dans la carte rendue seront des bonnes indications des zones
à travailler.

Bonnes balades cartographiques à la campagne !

-- althio

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: nebulon42 <nebulo...@mailbox.org>
Date: 22 March 2017 at 13:56
Subject: [OSM-talk] Upcoming removal of landuse=farm in the standard style
To: osm-talk <t...@openstreetmap.org>, tagg...@openstreetmap.org

Dear all,

at openstreetmap-carto - the standard style on osm.org - a change has
been merged
(https://github.com/gravitystorm/openstreetmap-carto/pull/2554) to drop
rendering of landuse=farm. There was overall consensus that this tag is
deprecated and its usage steadily declined over the last years, but
there are still around 340 000 uses. See
https://taginfo.openstreetmap.org/tags/landuse=farm and
http://taghistory.raifer.tech/ for details.

This change will make it into the next release, but there is no release
date yet. You might want to change cases of landuse=farm in your area to
either landuse=farmland or landuse=farmyard before that. Please don't do
any automatic re-tagging though. After the release empty spots will make
it easier to clean up the remaining uses of this tag.


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