Thanks Shane!  The recording can be found here:



On 30/11/16 04:42, Shane Tomlinson wrote:
> Monday's Web Coordination meeting was split into two parts, a UX/PM half
> where we discussed the issues most important to Ryan Feeley and Alex
> Davis, the 2nd half Ops/General dev.
> Highlights from the two halves:
> *UX/PM
> *
>   * A lot of time was spent discussing the finishing touches of "Connect
>     another device phase 1".
>       o Ryan Feeley suggested UX updates to the mobile App Store link
>         area. These changes were initially applied everywhere, but we
>         decided to sandbox these changes to users who are part of the
>         "treatment" group of our A/B test to ensure the visual changes
>         do not alter the behavior or our "control" group.
>       o The designs call for a link to "Why is this required?" (text to
>         be finalized) that opens a SUMO page that explains why Sync
>         works best with two or more devices. We need to get this SUMO
>         page written. stomlinson to coordinate with rfeeley and the SUMO
>         writers to get this done.
>       o There is a lot of discussion on how to get A/B test decision
>         data to our backend so that we can easily bucket users in
>         re:dash based on which experiment group they are in. We have
>         this data in DataDog, but not re:dash. To complicate matters, we
>         only send "flowid's" to re:dash, not "user ids". A flow-id is a
>         unique ID that is generated, once per signin or signup. It is
>         never stored with a user-id on our backend, with the aim of
>         helping to secure our user's privacy and remove the ability for
>         us to to track individual users across devices. We could attempt
>         to propagate a flow-id across devices so that it becomes a bit
>         more user-id like, but we don't really like this for a couple of
>         reasons (privacy & a change in the meaning of a flow-id which
>         will probably have negative effects on our graphs).
>   * The Growth team is running an A/B test on the firstrun page to see
>     how sending users to `/signin` instead `/signup` affects related
>     metrics. See [1] for the details.
>   * The unblock flow is busted if the user attempts to sign in with an
>     email address in a different case to the one they signed up with
>     [2]. Fix being reviewed in [3].
>       o Alex asks "Is there a way we can allow the user to give feedback
>         when they are sure they've entered in the correct code but are
>         still unable to sign in?"
>   * There is a bug in Fx 50-53 where users are unable to log in to FxA
>     if "Never Remember History" is set.
>       o Should be fixed in 50.1 [4]
>       o We do not know currently how many users this affects.
>   * Our signup verification emails are being flagged as spam by
>     Outlook/Hotmail. [5]
>       o We'll need some Ops support to track down why.
> *General Dev
> *
>   * train-75 strings have been cut.
>       o The newest grunt-jsx-gettext is not reading .js files, we need
>         to figure out why!
>   * train-75 itself was cut too. Train-75.1 will probably be cut today
>     for the "incorrect email case" bugs.
>   * train-74 went out the door!
>   * More incorrect email case - it causes problems with the change
>     password flow too! [6]
>       o Proposed fix [7].
>   * Phil has noticed some duplicate flow events being reported. We made
>     a mistake in how we clear the event queue on flush so duplicate
>     events can be sent. [8]
>   * Each server repo has an `npm run shrinkwrap` command that Does The
>     Right Thing (TM) thanks to Sai! Now we can stop remembering the
>     incantation for each particular repo and move on to more important
>     things. Thank you Sai!
>   * Email has been very slow to arrive at restmail over the past few
>     weeks, that or restmail is acting up. We aren't sure which, but it's
>     affect our functional tests. Nobody on our team knows how to access
>     it to see whats up. Anybody? Am I going to have to hit up Jed?
> Shane
> [1] -
> <>*
> *[2] -
> <>
> [3] -
> <>
> [4] -
> [5] -
> [6] -
> [7] -
> [8] -
> ** <>
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