On 24/1/17 17:01, Mark Hammond wrote:
> On 24/01/2017 4:55 PM, Ryan Kelly wrote:
>>> The first steps to that were to put the FxA client ID into client
>>> records (e.g., Bug 1254640, Bug 1250782), but there's a lot of work
>>> still to do, and I'm not aware of any bugs on file that track it.
>> TBH I'm not sure what the next steps are to move this forward.  Could we
>> e.g. gather some telemetry from clients on how frequently there are
>> discrepancies between the two lists?
> IIUC, a practical problem is that the FxA device ID doesn't survive
> across reauthentication - ie, the device ID changes whenever the session
> ID does.

Aha, well this sounds like a good place to start :-)

>> Let's drill down into this a little.  Are you seeing a discrepency
>> between the FxA device list and the send-tab device list on your current
>> setup?  If so then that's a great place to start, let's file it as a bug
>> in bugzilla for further discussion.
> The discrepancies I see tend to be duplicate devices caused by reauth,
> and no clear path in that context for "revoking" the earlier device ID.
> This is obviously less of a problem if we can make the deviceID persist
> across re-auth (and maybe a way to handle that would be to allow the
> client to specify the device ID?) Or maybe a way so the device
> registration process to take the local sync device ID as part of the
> registration body and allow the FxA server to use that as a lookup to
> reuse the original deviceID?

I'm on board with having the client submit a "fingerprint" that the
server can use for deduplication, along the lines of:


This could be the sync client-id, or a hardware info hash, or whatever
makes sense from the client's perspective.

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