*Theme: The end of train-79*

UX/PM discussion

   - Connect another device - next steps
      - "What are the next steps for Connect Another Device? Do we release
      to more people?"
      - Overall consensus was "yes", the debate was to how many. 10%? 20%?
      - The new flow is currently displayed to users who sign up *and* sign
      in, which caused some surprise. Ryan and I are going to discuss today.

      - jrgm has figured out why our OSX numbers improved so much just
   before Christmas. Bots. Another team within Mozilla is running their team's
   automated tests, which includes FxA. A whole bunch of logins from those
   tests caused our numbers to shift.
      - The question was brought up "could we have known this earlier via

      - The successful sign in rate on Fx for iOS is not nearly as awesome
   as we would have hoped, we think because we had to introduce some yucky UX
   hacks so users would know to verify their email. We are trying to think of
   short-term fixes applied to FxA that can stop the bleeding, though a
   "proper" fix is going to require an Fx for iOS update. [1]

Ops/General dev discussion

   - Train-78 was kicked out the door. I'm still on the hook to create the
   big changelog, waiting for a handy script rfk already has that minimizes
   manual work.

   - Train-79 was to be cut yesterday/today.

   - Divya's work to display OAuth client scopes within the settings page
   is nearly ready.

   - Vlad's Web Sessions work is still in progress.

   - Phil is working on an update to the content server to fix flow metrics
   after sign-out. Two failing functional tests remain.

[1] - https://github.com/mozilla/fxa-content-server/issues/4377
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