Hi All,

Last week we shipped FxA train-87 to production, with the following

Add additional emails (Phase 1)


   We've started rolling out the ability for a user to add a secondary
   email to their account.  It's currently enabled for Mozilla Softvision
   email addresses for initial testing.


   We also fixed several bugs identified during initial QA of this feature,

      Correctly sending notifications to only verified secondary emails

      Allowing to create a secondary email address if that email address is
      unverified in another account.

      Correcting an undefined change password link

      Ensuring correct deletion of secondary emails when an account is

Mobile Push (Phase 1): Post-Verify Page

   - The logic for deciding when to show this page has been cleaned up, by
   refactoring the auth-brokers code to better support different
   per-integration state machines.  We now have:
      - “web” is for people who browse directly to the site
      - “fx-sync” was re-purposed to define generic Sync behaviors but does
      not contain any references to channels. It’s used when someone
signs up for
      Sync and verifies in a 2nd browser.
      - “fx-sync-channel” is the former fx-sync broker. It defines Sync
      behaviors but has channels.

Mobile Push (Phase 2): Send install Firefox link via SMS


   Replaced the live nexmo test with a mocked one because that test was
   only passing by accident.

   Removed the "Maybe later" link in an attempt to boost the number of
   users who send an SMS.

   Updated SMS legal text to a more generic version to cover any country
   for which the feature is enabled.

Mobile Push (Phase 3): Deeplink with Email


   Landed initial API endpoints and database migrations for the
   `signinCodes` table, to support passing of codes to pre-populate email
   addresses in sign-in form.

We also made the following quality improvements:


   Added support for clients that use dev and stage push servers, as
   clients sometimes use these rather than the production instance


   Added a test for unicode device names.


   Disabled X-Mailer header in emails, so spam filters won’t inspect this
   header and determine that the mailer was an automated program rather than a
   mail client.

Special thanks go to the following community contributors, who have code
shipping in this train:


   morrme <https://github.com/morrme>, who improved the copy on the
   connect-another-device success message.

As always, you can find more details in the changelogs for each repo:





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