On 13 June 2017 at 12:22, Richard Newman <rnew...@mozilla.com> wrote:

> Bear in mind that we have 'declined' in meta/global, which is intended to
> support exactly this scenario.
> A user signing up on Android or iOS can upload a meta/global without
> "payments" (or whatever), but it also won't be in 'declined'.
> Desktop can use that hook — a locally supported engine that's neither
> remotely enabled nor remotely declined — to offer the new data type at the
> appropriate time.
It's not obvious to me when that "appropriate time" would be though; do
users who miss seeing the option during signup have to discover it by going
into their sync preferences, or are we considering some sort of in-product
messaging to advertise it?

> 1) We always offer these new engines in anticipation of the user
> eventually using a version of Firefox that supports them. The main issue
> with this is that it may cause confusion for the user - for example, if
> they create an account on Android, they may be confused when they can't
> find the addresses/credit-card feature on that platform. Similarly for
> users who happen to sign up on, say, Firefox ESR (which presumably will
> not get this support until the next ESR release).
To be sure I understand what's proposed here:

* FxA always shows the new options in the choose-what-to-sync screen,
defaulting them to unselected

* If the user does not select the new datatypes, then we include them in
"declinedSyncEngines" when we message login state to the browser, and:
    * New browsers that support the feature, will know not to sync it, and
will write it declined engines list on the server
    * Old browsers that do not support the feature, will write the new
values into declined engines list on the server without understanding what
it is

* If the user does select the new datatypes, then they don't show up in
"declinedSyncEngines", and:
    * New browsers that support the feature will turn on syncing of those
types, writing them explicitly into /meta/global on the server
    * But old browsers that don't support the feature will not do anything

Is that accurate?  If a user opts-in to the new datatypes when signing up
on Android, and then signs in on their desktop device, how does the new
device know to respect the user's original opt-in?

So - what shall we do? Can we live with (1)?
Something about the edge-cases here makes me a little uneasy, but I suspect
I don't fully understand all the combinations involved.

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