Hello All Hands survivors!

Bookkeeping first: the list of lists that I'm distributing these summaries
has grown.  If your list should *not* be on the list, let me know.

The Android Tech Leads met in a bombed-out post-Whistler bunker.  The notes
are here.  There were several updates (Fenix shipped!) and the main
discussion point was about platform-level Telemetry and the plan for
getting Glean to report GeckoView metrics in Fenix.  My understanding
is that the Fenix MVP reports no actionable platform metrics (e.g., perf
telemetry) but there are multiple viable technical paths to addressing the
issue quickly.  There was a meeting to discuss in Whistler, and there have
been more focused follow-ups, but the details are still murky (at least, to
me): expect an update in the next meeting summary as well.

Enjoy the post-All Hands apocalyptic haze,
Dev-fxacct mailing list

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