Hi all, 

I'd like to discuss an issue that I am thinking about for some time: 

As a sort of 'best practice' we do try with all our modules to make as few 
changes as possible to OXID standard-classes, -tables and files (such as 
lang-files etc.). So if we do need new fields for oxarticle we do prefer to set 
up an new table and put our stuff in there, connected to the oxarticle table 
via OXID. 

Same thing we do with config values. Now, it would be really cool to be able to 
call methods like getShopConfVar() or setShopConfVar() with an additional 
parameter containing the table name. So one could just copy oxconfig table and 
rename it and use that for the own config stuff. 

Could that be a good idea? Or did I miss anything important? 

Beste Grüße aus Dortmund! 
Andreas Ziethen | Geschäftsführung 

anzido GmbH 
Kirchhörder Str. 12 
44229 Dortmund 
Tel.: 0231 - 60 71 079 
Fax.: 0231 - 60 71 081 
Mobil:0176 - 8325 1488 
Email: i...@anzido.com 
Web: http://www.anzido.com ( http://www.anzido.com/ ) 

USt-ID: DE257982972 
Geschäftsführung: Andreas Ziethen 
Amtsgericht Dortmund HRB 20883
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