
Did you try to use unset on the object to force garbage collection? This is all part of the garbage collection,
and this can not be triggered without releasing all references.


André Herrmann
17. September 2012 13:51

Hi folks,

several times I ran into the same issue with continuously increasing
memory consumtion if I loop a huge list of e g. article ids like this:

foreach ( $aOXIDs as $sOxid ) {
$oArticle = oxNew('oxarticle');

even if I try to clone an object it will have just a tiny effect:

$oBaseArticle = oxNew('oxarticle');
foreach ( $aOXIDs as $sOxid ) {
$oArticle = clone $oBaseArticle;
$oArticle->load( $sOxid );

unsetting the object is useless in both cases and has no effect on
memory consumption.

I expect the problem in the factory triggering, so unsetting the last
instance is just useless. Is there really no counterpart for oxNew() or
load-Method for cleaning up the memory before going to next step in the
above loop.

Am I the only one who's running into that problem? And no, articlelists
are not the solution for dealing with tenthousands of products.

The only thing I currently can do is NOT to use the oxid objectframework
in cases like this and therefore directly query the database. Not
elegant, but it guarantees a near flat memory consumption.

What about your best practices on the issue above if you need full
variant informations? Would you agree having some kind of memory
cleaning method inside the oxid framework?

Best wishes


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