Dear OXID Core-Team,

now we've used the new module system in many projects.
It makes activating and deactivating in most cases very easy.

But it gets very hard sometimes, like when modules deactivate themselves
or you get those strange red bars in the backend.

What are my thoughts about all that:

I think the metadata.php helps a lot and is the right place for the base
configuration. Great job!

What i don't like is that the ModuleID must be exactly the module path.
This is simply redundant.
Either you want to have the module path,then we should not set it again
OR it is an own key like a module-identifier that is unique in the OXID
world (maybe there could be a central repository where you could
register new ones) - which i think is the right way.

After that, you store someof the metadata informations in the database.
Why? If you remove some of the classes, files,... your module leads to
those strange red entries as mentioned before. I think you had good
reasons to do so - could you explain them? Maybe we together find
another solution that is cleaner and doesn't need that double-storeing

Then, there is amissing featurein my opinion: Dependencies to other
modules. Could be an easy array, but would often help a lot.

And - i thinkthats the worst feature - there is that self-deactivating:
Is see your idea but i think it breaks more than it helps.
We often develop modules (like many other agencies as well i guess) that
keep lots of helpers for one project. So in that module you have an
extension for oxarticle, for details, start, for the checkout,... so now
it comes to the point that something is broken in some special cases
let's say in the checkout for example. Now the shop deactivates the
module and baaaaaaammm oxarticle, details, start,... will also be broken
in ANY way!

Hope to start a fruitful and constructive discussion.




Joscha Krug e.K. <> <>
39104 Magdeburg
phone: +49 (0) 391 / 559 22 104
fax:      +49 (0) 391 / 559 22 106

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