Hi all,

while answering a forum post i stumbled across this bug: 

This is not resolved in current version because: "as this does require template 
changes, we will release it only in 5.1. For earlier versions please use this 
fix ..."

I understand the policy not to do template changes in minor versions, i don’t 
think this is a good policy though. The reason not to change templates is this:
"Except for important bug fixes, we usually don’t do any template changes in 
patches. This makes your life much easier when patching an existing OXID eShop."

Well I would think this is an important bug fix as selection lists are not 
usable without it.

Even if not, bugs in Templates are a different story than changing folder 
structure, variable names, method calls etc. No one benefits from not releasing 
bugfixes in Templates. Contrary, this makes life not easier but harder because 
in order to have a fully functional shop you would have to keep track of all 
solved but not yet released template bugs and fix them yourself. I think this 
policy needs to be rethought.

Frank Zunderer

dev-general mailing list

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