Hi guys,

while this is a very valid request and we usually try to make everything as 
open as possible, I would like to explain at least some reason behind the lack 
of extendable methods here.

Magnolia 5 UI was written from scratch. There are many new functions, many new 
concepts, patterns and ideas that we employed in writing the UI. As you could 
see if you check history from 5.0 to 5.1 to 5.2 and also for upcoming 5.3 we 
are heavily consolidating the code in those new parts of Magnolia and making it 
better and more uniform. With that comes more extension points. Anything that 
is already public (protected, extension point) means we have to be extra 
careful when changing it or that we would be breaking some extension point that 
you might have potentially used and break your code.

Over time we are planning to make it more extendable. Also in 4.x it didn't 
came with version one but by you pointing Magnolia developers to the places 
that you wanted to customise and for Magnolia opening up those extension 

It is great that you are trying to extend the UI and I'm very glad to hear so. 
But rather then making bulk change and switching all from private to protected, 
I suggest you log issues for those concrete examples of methods which you need 
to extend with explanation. This way we can gradually make those points open 
already knowing the need for them, thus we can also commit to trying to keep 
them stable in future versions.

Thanks for your understanding,


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