I am considering of moving all my apps that are using JCR to hibernate, as i 
have started to notice so many limitations that JCR is introducing.

I would like to get advice on where to begin, as i am not sure how all of it 
would fit in and whether thats the best solution. 
The reasons of considering the migration from JCR to hibernate are:

1. unable to perform complex queries on JCR, 
2. unstructured types
3. i believe it gets slow if i have over 100k of child nodes under a single 
4. hard to see relationships between nodes, i.e nodes containing references to 
other nodes and vice versa

My concerns:
1. what will happen to security, how will security be applied on data models, 
because now magnolia applies security per node basis.
2. what will happen to loaclisation, how can localisation be applied to 
hibernate through the current approach that magnolia is using. 
3. how would i perform data migration from JCR to hibernate

Context is everything: 

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