
It has been a busy day.

On 09/05/2010 04:39 PM, t...@metatex.org wrote:
New Revision: 3857

add some virtual accessors to fontloader.open() return data

Here is the relevant new section in the manual:

%%% start manual

As mentioned earlier, the return value of \type{fontloader.open()} is a userdata object. In \LUATEX\ versions before 0.63, the only way to have access to the actual metrics was to call \type{fontloader.to_table()} on this object, returning a table structure that is explained in the following subsections.

However, it turns out that the result from \type{fontloader.to_table()} sometimes needs very large amounts of memory (depending on the font's complexity and size) so starting with \LUATEX\ 0.63, it will incrementally become possible to access the userdata object directly.

In the \LUATEX\ 0.63.0, the following is implemented:

\item all top-level keys that would be returned by \type{to_table()} can also be accessed directly. \item the top-level key \quote{glyphs} returns a {\it virtual\/} array that allows indices from \type{0} to ($\type{f.glyphmax}-1$). \item the items in that virtual array (the actual glyphs) are themselves also userdata objects, and each has accessors for all of the keys explained in the section \quote{Glyph items} below. \item the top-level key \quote{subfonts} returns an {\it actual} array of userdata objects, one for each of the subfonts (or nil, if there are no subfonts).

A short example may be helpful. This code generates a printout of all the glyph names in the font \type{PunkNova.kern.otf}:

local f = fontloader.open('PunkNova.kern.otf')
print (f.fontname);
local i = 0
while (i < f.glyphmax) do
   local g = f.glyphs[i]
   if g then
   i = i + 1

In this case, the \LUATEX\ memory requirement stays below 100MB on the test computer, while the internal stucture generated by \type{to_table()} needs more than 2GB of memory (the font itself is 6.9MB in disk size).

In \LUATEX\ 0.63 only the top-level font, the subfont table entries, and the glyphs are virtual objects, everything else still produces normal lua values and tables. In future versions, more return values will be replaced by userdata objects (as much as needed to keep the
memory requirements in check).

%%% end manual

For course the memory savings will be less when more of the font information is used than just the glyph names, but it does seem to help quite a lot already (assuming the characters are converted into a metrics structure one at a time).

The reason for this message is this: what are items that need to be virtualized, and which ones can easily be left alone?

For example


returns an array of 4 integer numbers. It seems to me that it makes
not that much sense to write a dedicated userdata object for such
boundingboxes: the method call overhead will probably outweigh the
gain from using less memory.

On the other hand,


can be enormous (as it is in the punknova.kern case) and should probably
be converted.

Does anybody want to think about a shortlist of such items?

Best wishes,

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