On 11 December 2010 Patrick Gundlach wrote:

 > Hi,
 > when I have a script that starts with the line
 > #!/usr/bin/env texlua
 > I have on my Mac OS X system the full path to my script in
 > arg[0]. Is this portable? That is, if I run this under
 > windows/solaris/... will I always find out where this script is
 > located?

Hi Patrick,
these are two different questions.  First, the #! line works
everywhere except on Windows.  It finds the interpreter (not your
script) in PATH.  There is no reasonable alternative on Windows.  You
have to associate filename extensions with interpreters in the registry.
If you are using TeX Live, you can start your script from a wrapper
 > Or other question: is there a more-or-less portable way to find out
 > the location of a script from inside the script? I'd like to set up
 > package.path to a relative directory such as:

 > package.path = .... <relative to this file, not the $PWD>

Try this:
#!/usr/bin/env texlua

dirname, filename = string.match(arg[0], '(.*[/\\])(.*)')


it works as expected on Unix:

$ testarg0.lua 

You will certainly get similar results in TeX Live because the
location of your script is determined by the wrapper, and hence by
kpathsea, which returns the full path.  Please note that dirname found
by string.match() in the example above contains the leading directory
separator already and that backslashes are supported too.

In order to install your script under TeX Live, copy it to
TEXMFLOCAL/scripts.  It must have one of the extensions .tlu, .texlua,
or .lua.  Then run texhash.

For Unix you have to make the script executable and to create symlinks
to the script in all bin/<platform> directories.  The symlinks should
not have extensions.  (ln -s relative/path/to/myscript.lua myscript)

For Windows, go to bin/win32 and "cp -p runscript.exe myscript.exe"
(or, on Windows itself, "copy /b runscript.exe myscript.exe".

I'm not sure about Windows in general.  I can imagine that it works
too if the extension of your script is associated with the texlua
binary in the registry.  I suppose that this is necessary if you want
to run your script under MikTeX.

BTW, whether you are using the extension .tlu, .texlua, or .lua
doesn't matter if your script is invoked by a wrapper.  However, if
you associate extensions with interpreters in the registry, I
recommend .tlu and .texlua for scripts which depend on texlua.  This
avoids nasty problems when people install a generic Lua engine too.


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover                              mailto:reinhard.kotu...@web.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.
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