On 2012-01-01 at 12:28:06 +0100, Hans Hagen wrote:

 > On 1-1-2012 10:32, Paul Isambert wrote:
 > > Reinhard Kotucha<reinhard.kotu...@web.de>  a écrit:
 > >>
 > >> Hi Taco,
 > >> though luatex isn't frozen yet, I think that many people are using it
 > >> already and drastic changes are not desirable.
 > >>
 > >> There is one thing which could probably be improved without breaking
 > >> existing scripts, as far as I can see:
 > >>
 > >>    string.explode(foo, ' +')
 > >>
 > >> expects that ' ' is a space token (ASCII 0x20).  Is it possible to
 > >> change string.explode() so that ' ' can be either a space token (ASCII
 > >> 0x20) or a tabulator (ASCII 0x09) without breaking existing scripts?
 > >
 > > By definition, this would break those scripts that use string.explode()
 > > expecting spaces aren't tabs. Personally, I wouldn't mind if the function
 > > was modified in order to understand regular expressions, although that
 > > would quite clearly be incompatible with previous behavior.
 > in that case one could use the normal string matching function or lpeg 
 > ... there is no need to burden luatex with large regexp libraries or 
 > other clever tricks .. also by interpreting space as either space or tab 
 > we end up with more of that (unbreakable space etc etc, unicode spacing) 
 > and it also defeats the purpose of the explode function: any added 
 > interpretation of the split pattern is one more argument for using 
 > regular lua string functions
 > local explode = function(s,p)
 >      local t = { }
 >      for s in gmatch(s,p) do
 >          if s ~= "" then
 >              t[#t+1] = s
 >          end
 >      end
 >      return t
 > end
 > local t = explode(str,"[^\t ]+")
 > works quite ok (and the space only variant is some 30% slower than 
 > explode but hardly measurable. Adding space interpretation to the built 
 > in explode function would make is slower.

Thank you Hans, this is even much better than what I asked for.


Reinhard Kotucha                                      Phone: +49-511-3373112
Marschnerstr. 25
D-30167 Hannover                              mailto:reinhard.kotu...@web.de
Microsoft isn't the answer. Microsoft is the question, and the answer is NO.
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