On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 12:54 PM Marcel Fabian Krüger <t...@2krueger.de>

> On Tue, Feb 18, 2020 at 01:55:59AM -0500, Daniel Benjamin Miller wrote:
> > There is an issue with lualatex which comes about when using a document
> such
> > as this (based on a discussion here
> https://tex.stackexchange.com/questions/525898/combining-french-and-greek-babel-does-not-work-in-dvilualatex/526020?noredirect=1#comment1331448_526020
> ).
> >
> > Try running lualatex on the following document, and an error will be
> > returned. This seems to apply for all fonts whose packages were
> generated by
> > autoinst (step is just an example).
> >
> > \documentclass[12pt]{article}
> >
> >
> \usepackage[utf8]{luainputenc}\usepackage[LGR,T1]{fontenc}\input{lgrenc.dfu}
> >
> > \usepackage{step} \usepackage[greek.ancient,main=french]{babel}
> >
> > \title{Ça marche?} %\date{} \author{me}
> >
> > \begin{document} \maketitle un, deux, trois
> \foreignlanguage{greek}{ἀγαγεῖν}
> > \end{document}
> >
> > According to Marcel Krüger, this is related to an issue which was
> reported
> > over a year ago:
> > https://mailman.ntg.nl/pipermail/dev-luatex/2018-November/006138.html.
> >
> A plain LuaTeX example for this would be
> \directlua{
>   callback.register('kerning', node.kerning)
>   font.current(font.define {
>     name = "dummy",
>     type = "virtual",
>     characters = {
>       {
>         width = 655360,
>         height = 655360,
>         depth = 655360,
>         commands = {},
>       },
>       right_boundary = {
>         width = 655360,
>         height = 655360,
>         depth = 655360,
>       },
>     },
>   })
> }
> \char1
> \bye
> The issue appears for fonts with a right boundary char if they appear at
> the end of a paragraph and the kerning callback is overwritten. Then the
> right boundary is passed as tail  to the callback which will then remove
> the boundary from the node list. As discussed in the earlier thread,
> the callback currently can't pass the new tail to LuaTeX (and LuaTeX
> does not recalculate the tail in contrast to the documentation) so
> LuaTeX adds the end of paragraph glue etc. after the no longer existing
> old tail, leading to the error because the new list does not end with
> these required nodes.

ok, thank you. I will see it together with the old thread.

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