On 7/2/13 21:43, Iwan Budi Kusnanto wrote:
Is there any plan to implement onicecandidate in firefox?
If yes, when it will be?

I presume your question is whether and when Firefox plans to implement trickle ICE, since we already do call onicecandidate once (with a null candidate) after the local description is set.

Trickle ICE is definitely planned. I can't give you a date or target release, since trickle ICE is a relatively low priority: it is simply a minor timing optimization, and does not (for example) improve interoperability or NAT traversal. If you're interested in following this issue once work starts on it, add your name to the CC list for this bug:


Adam Roach
Principal Platform Engineer
+1 650 903 0800 x863
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