On 8/23/2017 2:01 PM, Nils Ohlmeier wrote:
On Aug 23, 2017, at 08:34, Eric Green <eric.gr...@onsip.com> wrote:

I am working on implementing renegotiation into SIP.js, specifically looking at 
hold/unhold via changing SDP attributes to sendonly. This is working when 
Firefox negotiates audio only, or is the person triggering the renegotiation. 
The problem starts when Firefox is doing a video call and is the target of 
being put on hold. The browser will receive an SDP offer with a=sendonly for 
both video and audio sections of the call. I successfully apply this to the 
peer connection and the peer connection changes to have-remote-offer state. I 
can successfully call createAnswer, generate the RTCSessionDescription, but 
when I call setLocalDescription on my peer connection with the answer from 
createAnswer, the browser will lock up.

This is one of my crash reports: 

I could put together a simple demo to replicate this if needed. It is happening 
in both the production version of Firefox and the Developer build. Chrome is 
working successfully with the same javascript.

Any thoughts on what I can do to make Firefox not crash on this?
 From looking at the crash report it would be super helpful if you could send 
me a way to reproduce this, e.g. point me to github page with code, or a link 
to web page for testing.
Or open a bug report about it on https://bugzilla.mozilla.org 
Which ever is easier for you.

I agree with Nils -- an example would help a lot.  I suspect there's some sort deadlock on mCodecMutex -- apparently with thread 55, which is calling WebrtcVideoConduit::SendVideoFrame(). OnVideoFrameConverted is called with a lock on the pipeline listener mutex.  Should be trivial to debug with an example using 'rr' (and probably trivial in gdb)

   Randell Jesup, Mozilla

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