Hello all,

I am facing a very strange error with ICE negotiation during WebRTC call setup. 
Firefox(58.0.2 - 64bit) fails to respond to STUN request only on few machines. 
Initially I suspected it could be related to specific OS. But right now, I see 
this issue only on few Windows machines, while it works perfectly in other 
machines with Windows/Suse/Mac. 

Setup - 
 - Firefox version - 58.0.2 - 64bit
 - No STUN or TURN severs configured
 - Calls are established using only host candidates
 - There exists a media server between 2 parties

Scenario - 
A(Firefox-Windows) calls B - Internally - A--------Media Server---------B

Result - 
ICE negotiation fails for A with an error - ICE failed, add a STUN server and 
see about:webrtc for more details

Observation -
When A triggers an outgoing call, media server gathers ICE candidates and open 
its UDP ports before it triggers ICE connectivity checks from its end.

However, Firefox sends STUN request before ports are actually opened on the 
media server. And gets back an ICMP Destination unreachable.

After few milliseconds(~10 ms), media server opens its ports and sends STUN 
request to Firefox. Firefox does not respond nor does it retry STUN requests 
from its end. ICE negotiation fails on both side. 

When the exact same scenario is tested on Firefox running on Suse or Mac or few 
other Windows machines, I see the same behavior as above, except that the 
Firefox does respond to STUN request from media server. Also it retries STUN 
requests from its end, even though it received ICMP destination unreachable 

pcap and ICE connection logs for both error(Windows 7) and success(Suse Leap 
42.3) case - https://drive.google.com/open?id=1u8g8uq8WPtcOZxekxP1lzkr17CX0lajd

Why doesn't Firefox respond to STUN request and why doesn't it retry STUN 
request from its end either? 

If I am using the same Firefox version, and if OS is not an issue, why is the 
behavior different on different machines?

I also tested this scenario on the latest 59.0.1 (64-bit) on Windows and I 
still see the same issue.

Thanks in advance!!
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