On Tuesday, April 24, 2018 at 7:27:56 PM UTC-5, Nils Ohlmeier wrote:
> Well the same questions I asked already for the original request:
> Do you know if Asterisk suddenly has a full ICE implementation?

Hey Nils,

We discussed a lot of this offline, but for the sake of the public record:

Yes, Asterisk has a full ICE implementation.

Asterisk *should* be setting its ICE role to ICE-CONTROLLING if it created the 

The fact that this is reproducible on chan_sip and chan_pjsip is good since 
chan_pjsip is the way forward for Asterisk's SIP stack and you're much more 
likely to get someone to spend some time on it with chan_pjsip.  

One possibility is that there's a code path somewhere in chan_sip that is not 
setting the role properly *but* I would be very interested in seeing a PCAP to 
confirm whether or not that is truly the case.  I would be surprised that the 
bug would exist simultaneously in both chan_sip and chan_pjsip though, if it's 
simply an incorrect role setting.

Matthew Fredrickson

> Feel free to open a bug report for the potential problem in Firefox of 
> switching ICE roles from controlled to controller. But the role switching 
> delays call establishing. That’s why I think you should do one of these:
> - The real fix here is probably to teach Asterisk that it needs to be the ICE 
> controller if it sends the offer.
> - Switch around the offer/answer roles, so that Firefox create the offer and 
> Asterisk the answer might solve this problem as well.
> Best
>   Nils Ohlmeier
> > On Apr 24, 2018, at 09:01, massimo.cime...@ennova-research.com wrote:
> > 
> > On Friday, April 20, 2018 at 11:37:05 PM UTC+2, sergio.mig...@gmail.com 
> > wrote:
> >> Hello, In my webrtc project I not getting audio for all inbound calls, 
> >> some of them don't get audio. Because the event iceConnectionState= 
> >> connected never arrives.
> >> 
> >> I'm using the asterisk 13.20 and the kamailio 4.4.6 version.
> >> 
> >> For signaling I have a server with a REST API to exchange the sip messages.
> >> In the javascript I using this webrtc-adapter 
> >> https://www.npmjs.com/package/webrtc-adapter
> >> 
> >> Can anyone help me with this problema, Than you.
> >> 
> >> The flow in my javascript when I start the application and receive a call 
> >> is the following:
> >>    1 - Execute GetUserMedia and save the stream received.
> >>    2 - Add the eventHandlers to the peerconnection
> >>    2 - Receive an offer (call), get the tracks from the localstream, and 
> >> execute the addTrak of the peeConnection, to add the traks and the local 
> >> stream to the peerConnection
> >>    3 - The user click a button to answer the call
> >>    4 - set remoteDescription of the received offer
> >>    5 - Create an answer without RTCOfferOptions
> >>    6 - setLocaldescription
> >>    7 - wait (using promises) until receive at least 2 candidates of the 
> >> type srflx or until the Ice gathering is complete
> >>    8 - When the Promise is resolved, an answer to the offer is sent to 
> >> asterisk. The offer contains the sdp with the candidates 
> >> (peerConnection.LocalDescription.sdp).
> >>    9 - After the answer been sent, I execute the play to the audio 
> >> htmlElement. This element will have the property srcObject with the remote 
> >> stream received in the event ontrack.
> >> 
> >> My configfuration of the peerConnection is the following:
> >> 
> >> var pcConfig: any = {
> >>                'iceServers':
> >>                [{urls: [
> >>                    "stun:stun4.l.google.com:19302"
> >>                    ]}],
> >>                'rtcpMuxPolicy': 'negotiate'
> >>            }
> >> 
> >> Using my app I get the following log from the firefox (about:webrtc):
> >> 
> >> Session Statistics
> >> [ 10737418249 ] http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx (fechada) 18:38:05 
> >> GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
> >> ID da ligação do par: 1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)
> >> 
> >> ICE Statistics
> >> local candidate                                    remoto candidate        
> >>                 ICE state       Priority                        Nomenated  
> >>      Selected        Bytes Sent      Bytes Received
> >>     
> >> succeeded       9115005270299247000     false           false           0  
> >>                      0
> >>     
> >> succeeded       9115005266004279000     false           false           0  
> >>                      0
> >> 
> >> Reinícios ICE: 0
> >> Reversões ICE: 0
> >> 
> >> 
> >> All raw candidates
> >> Local Raw Candidadte                                               Remote 
> >> raw candidate
> >> host(IP4:                  candidate:Ha02b943 1 
> >> UDP 2130706431 14782 typ host
> >> host(IP4:                  candidate:Ha02b943 2 
> >> UDP 2130706430 14783 typ host
> >> host(IP4: active
> >> host(IP4: active
> >> srflx(IP4:|stun4.l.google.com:19302)
> >> srflx(IP4:|stun4.l.google.com:19302)
> >> 
> >> SDP
> >> Local SDP (Answer)
> >> 
> >> v=0
> >> o=mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-59.0.2 4366187553463619912 0 IN IP4
> >> s=-
> >> t=0 0
> >> a=sendrecv
> >> a=fingerprint:sha-256 
> >> 01:BD:59:4E:CB:CE:80:20:1D:81:4C:42:6A:32:70:B5:AD:64:3C:CE:A6:B8:4C:30:1F:AF:D7:9F:EB:D9:32:E4
> >> a=ice-options:trickle
> >> a=msid-semantic:WMS *
> >> m=audio 34206 RTP/SAVPF 8 101
> >> c=IN IP4
> >> a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2122252543 55472 typ host
> >> a=candidate:2 1 TCP 2105524479 9 typ host tcptype active
> >> a=candidate:0 2 UDP 2122252542 55473 typ host
> >> a=candidate:2 2 TCP 2105524478 9 typ host tcptype active
> >> a=candidate:1 1 UDP 1686052863 34206 typ srflx raddr 
> >> rport 55472
> >> a=candidate:1 2 UDP 1686052862 8554 typ srflx raddr 
> >> rport 55473
> >> a=sendrecv
> >> a=end-of-candidates
> >> a=fmtp:101 0-15
> >> a=ice-pwd:7b6aeff6faa9a431c6d276e6739f89da
> >> a=ice-ufrag:331cc7b7
> >> a=msid:{9c34bbdb-3c3b-4ded-8284-ebcbbb8a28de} 
> >> {4647e739-9a59-496c-b24e-2024cc1e9280}
> >> a=rtcp:8554 IN IP4
> >> a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
> >> a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
> >> a=setup:active
> >> a=ssrc:3662316424 cname:{ba852b7c-18fa-4bfb-84a3-0d8aa311f084}
> >> 
> >> Remote SDP (Offer)
> >> 
> >> v=0
> >> o=root 1999020235 1999020235 IN IP4
> >> s=-
> >> t=0 0
> >> a=sendrecv
> >> m=audio 14782 RTP/SAVPF 8 107 101
> >> c=IN IP4
> >> a=candidate:Ha02b943 1 UDP 2130706431 14782 typ host
> >> a=candidate:Ha02b943 2 UDP 2130706430 14783 typ host
> >> a=sendrecv
> >> a=fingerprint:sha-256 
> >> 36:DD:39:58:33:2B:05:31:C7:80:1E:AE:54:B6:40:3C:B1:10:4B:DF:7D:41:F4:32:63:38:41:66:37:0F:DD:CD
> >> a=fmtp:101 0-16
> >> a=ice-pwd:21f0773c21ba67521060557a30f142a8
> >> a=ice-ufrag:6dfc540a2f1251d0051af3a9701b9cfb
> >> a=maxptime:20
> >> a=rtpmap:8 PCMA/8000
> >> a=rtpmap:107 opus/48000/2
> >> a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
> >> a=setup:actpass
> >> 
> >> RTP Statistics
> >> 
> >> inbound_rtp_audio_1
> >> Local: 18:38:05 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) inbound-rtp SSRC: 0
> >> 
> >> outbound_rtp_audio_0
> >> Local: 18:38:05 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) outbound-rtp SSRC: 3662316424
> >> 
> >> Connection Log
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice' (registry) succeeded: ice
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.pref' (registry) succeeded: ice.pref
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.pref.type' (registry) succeeded: ice.pref.type
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.pref.type.srv_rflx' (UCHAR) succeeded: 0x64
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.pref.type.peer_rflx' (UCHAR) succeeded: 0x6e
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.pref.type.host' (UCHAR) succeeded: 0x7e
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.pref.type.relayed' (UCHAR) succeeded: 0x05
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.pref.type.srv_rflx_tcp' (UCHAR) succeeded: 0x63
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.pref.type.peer_rflx_tcp' (UCHAR) succeeded: 
> >> 0x6d
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.pref.type.host_tcp' (UCHAR) succeeded: 0x7d
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.pref.type.relayed_tcp' (UCHAR) succeeded: 0x00
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'stun' (registry) succeeded: stun
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'stun.client' (registry) succeeded: stun.client
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'stun.client.maximum_transmits' (UINT4) succeeded: 7
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.trickle_grace_period' (UINT4) succeeded: 5000
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.tcp' (registry) succeeded: ice.tcp
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.tcp.so_sock_count' (INT4) succeeded: 0
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.tcp.listen_backlog' (INT4) succeeded: 10
> >> 
> >> (registry/INFO) insert 'ice.tcp.disable' (char) succeeded: \000
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) 
> >> z:/build/build/src/media/mtransport/third_party/nICEr/src/net/nr_socket_multi_tcp.c:173
> >>  function nr_socket_multi_tcp_create_stun_server_socket skipping UDP STUN 
> >> server(addr:)
> >> 
> >> (ice/WARNING) 
> >> z:/build/build/src/media/mtransport/third_party/nICEr/src/net/nr_socket_multi_tcp.c:617
> >>  function nr_socket_multi_tcp_listen failed with error 3
> >> 
> >> (ice/WARNING) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): failed to create passive TCP 
> >> host candidate: 3
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) 
> >> z:/build/build/src/media/mtransport/third_party/nICEr/src/net/nr_socket_multi_tcp.c:173
> >>  function nr_socket_multi_tcp_create_stun_server_socket skipping UDP STUN 
> >> server(addr:)
> >> 
> >> (ice/WARNING) 
> >> z:/build/build/src/media/mtransport/third_party/nICEr/src/net/nr_socket_multi_tcp.c:617
> >>  function nr_socket_multi_tcp_listen failed with error 3
> >> 
> >> (ice/WARNING) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): failed to create passive TCP 
> >> host candidate: 3
> >> 
> >> (ice/NOTICE) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) no 
> >> streams with non-empty check lists
> >> 
> >> (ice/NOTICE) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) no 
> >> streams with pre-answer requests
> >> 
> >> (ice/NOTICE) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) no 
> >> checks to start
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) pairing 
> >> local trickle ICE candidate host(IP4:
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default)/CAND-PAIR(lsay): 
> >> setting pair to state FROZEN: 
> >> lsay|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b943
> >>  1 UDP 2130706431 14782 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx))/CAND-PAIR(lsay): Pairing 
> >> candidate IP4: (7e7f00ff):IP4: 
> >> (7effffff) priority=9115005270299246591 (7e7f00fffdffffff)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default)/ICE-STREAM(0-1524245864454000
> >>  (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx) aLevel=0): 
> >> Starting check timer for stream.
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default)/CAND-PAIR(lsay): 
> >> setting pair to state WAITING: 
> >> lsay|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b943
> >>  1 UDP 2130706431 14782 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default)/CAND-PAIR(lsay): 
> >> setting pair to state IN_PROGRESS: 
> >> lsay|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b943
> >>  1 UDP 2130706431 14782 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/NOTICE) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) is now 
> >> checking
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) pairing 
> >> local trickle ICE candidate host(IP4: active
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) pairing 
> >> local trickle ICE candidate host(IP4:
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default)/CAND-PAIR(l/sd): 
> >> setting pair to state FROZEN: 
> >> l/sd|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b943
> >>  2 UDP 2130706430 14783 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx))/CAND-PAIR(l/sd): Pairing 
> >> candidate IP4: (7e7f00fe):IP4: 
> >> (7efffffe) priority=9115005266004279293 (7e7f00fefdfffffd)
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) pairing 
> >> local trickle ICE candidate host(IP4: active
> >> 
> >> (stun/INFO) 
> >> STUN-CLIENT(lsay|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b943
> >>  1 UDP 2130706431 14782 typ host)): Received response; 
> >> processing
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default)/CAND-PAIR(lsay): 
> >> setting pair to state SUCCEEDED: 
> >> lsay|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b943
> >>  1 UDP 2130706431 14782 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default)/CAND-PAIR(l/sd): 
> >> setting pair to state WAITING: 
> >> l/sd|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b943
> >>  2 UDP 2130706430 14783 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default)/CAND-PAIR(l/sd): 
> >> setting pair to state IN_PROGRESS: 
> >> l/sd|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b943
> >>  2 UDP 2130706430 14783 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/WARNING) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default): no pairs for 
> >> 0-1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx) aLevel=0
> >> 
> >> (stun/INFO) 
> >> STUN-CLIENT(l/sd|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b943
> >>  2 UDP 2130706430 14783 typ host)): Received response; 
> >> processing
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default)/CAND-PAIR(l/sd): 
> >> setting pair to state SUCCEEDED: 
> >> l/sd|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b943
> >>  2 UDP 2130706430 14783 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (stun/INFO) 
> >> STUN-CLIENT(srflx(IP4:|stun4.l.google.com:19302)): 
> >> Received response; processing
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) pairing 
> >> local trickle ICE candidate 
> >> srflx(IP4:|stun4.l.google.com:19302)
> >> 
> >> (stun/INFO) 
> >> STUN-CLIENT(srflx(IP4:|stun4.l.google.com:19302)): 
> >> Received response; processing
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) pairing 
> >> local trickle ICE candidate 
> >> srflx(IP4:|stun4.l.google.com:19302)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default): role conflict, both 
> >> controlled
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default): detected role 
> >> conflict. Switching to controlling
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE(PC:1524245864454000 (id=10737418249 
> >> url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx)): peer (PC:1524245864454000 
> >> (id=10737418249 url=http://wksms4/uAgentWeb_IS/Main.aspx):default) Trickle 
> >> grace period is over; marking every component with only failed pairs as 
> >> failed.
> >> 
> >> +++++++ END ++++++++
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> This scenario also happens using the sipml5, here is the logs of the 
> >> firefox (about:webrtc) using the sipml5
> >> 
> >> session statistic
> >> 
> >> [ 8589934631 ] 
> >> file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm# (fechada) 
> >> 17:18:30 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time)
> >> ID da ligação do par: 1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)
> >> 
> >> ICE Statistic
> >> local Candidate                                    remoto Remote           
> >>                                         ICE State       Priority           
> >>              Nomenated       Selected        Bytes sent      Bytes received
> >>             
> >>                 succeeded       9115005270299247000     false           
> >> false           0                       0
> >> 
> >> inprogress      7277816997780259000     false           false           0  
> >>                      0
> >> 
> >> Reinícios ICE: 0
> >> Reversões ICE: 0
> >> 
> >> All raw candidates
> >> Local raw candidate                                                        
> >>         Remote remote candidate
> >> host(IP4: active          candidate:Ha02b920 1 
> >> UDP 2130706431 13948 typ host
> >> host(IP4:                         
> >> candidate:Sd51e08c2 1 UDP 1694498815 13514 typ srflx raddr 
> >> rport 13948
> >> srflx(IP4:|stun4.l.google.com:19302)
> >> 
> >> SDP
> >> 
> >> Local SDP (Answer)
> >> 
> >> v=0
> >> o=mozilla...THIS_IS_SDPARTA-59.0.2 5707530488608333655 0 IN IP4
> >> s=-
> >> t=0 0
> >> a=sendrecv
> >> a=fingerprint:sha-256 
> >> 48:C2:8C:A6:06:D4:1A:37:F4:E1:A7:F0:C5:64:9B:17:5A:F0:86:12:82:46:41:A0:DF:6D:69:BF:48:DF:A9:F3
> >> a=ice-options:trickle
> >> a=msid-semantic:WMS *
> >> m=audio 43568 RTP/SAVPF 107 101
> >> c=IN IP4
> >> a=candidate:0 1 UDP 2122252543 62842 typ host
> >> a=candidate:2 1 TCP 2105524479 9 typ host tcptype active
> >> a=candidate:1 1 UDP 1686052863 43568 typ srflx raddr 
> >> rport 62842
> >> a=sendrecv
> >> a=end-of-candidates
> >> a=fmtp:107 maxplaybackrate=48000;stereo=1;useinbandfec=1
> >> a=fmtp:101 0-15
> >> a=ice-pwd:8b2edc62691a769fb839a5f80d78c539
> >> a=ice-ufrag:d7265a51
> >> a=msid:{58837fd4-1787-448f-8dd5-f5fb7315161f} 
> >> {98731304-4b83-4ecb-8ed5-ce98f370c9ef}
> >> a=rtcp-mux
> >> a=rtpmap:107 opus/48000/2
> >> a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
> >> a=setup:active
> >> a=ssrc:3947909193 cname:{2208899d-cda1-4ec0-a4a0-8e7573ddcd4a}
> >> 
> >> remote SDP (Offer)
> >> 
> >> v=0
> >> o=root 284280547 284280547 IN IP4
> >> s=-
> >> t=0 0
> >> a=sendrecv
> >> m=audio 13948 RTP/SAVPF 107 0 101
> >> c=IN IP4
> >> a=candidate:Ha02b920 1 UDP 2130706431 13948 typ host
> >> a=candidate:Sd51e08c2 1 UDP 1694498815 13514 typ srflx raddr 
> >> rport 13948
> >> a=candidate:Ha02b920 2 UDP 2130706430 13949 typ host
> >> a=candidate:Sd51e08c2 2 UDP 1694498814 58945 typ srflx raddr 
> >> rport 13949
> >> a=sendrecv
> >> a=fingerprint:sha-256 
> >> 66:FE:6E:96:26:63:3C:A9:4D:88:CF:17:EE:F8:46:68:E1:A3:99:55:3A:4B:AD:CF:0A:7E:04:FB:94:D5:03:8E
> >> a=fmtp:107 maxplaybackrate=0;stereo=0;useinbandfec=1
> >> a=fmtp:101 0-16
> >> a=ice-pwd:0d0c8860078c164720b9ce5737bf1e36
> >> a=ice-ufrag:5f99314718b96f1a23b8c37f55f13fa9
> >> a=maxptime:20
> >> a=rtcp-mux
> >> a=rtpmap:107 opus/48000/2
> >> a=rtpmap:0 PCMU/8000
> >> a=rtpmap:101 telephone-event/8000
> >> a=setup:actpass
> >> 
> >> RTP Statistic
> >> 
> >> inbound_rtp_audio_1
> >> Local: 17:18:30 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) inbound-rtp SSRC: 0
> >> 
> >> outbound_rtp_audio_0
> >> Local: 17:18:30 GMT+0100 (GMT Daylight Time) outbound-rtp SSRC: 3947909193
> >> 
> >> Connection log
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) 
> >> z:/build/build/src/media/mtransport/third_party/nICEr/src/net/nr_socket_multi_tcp.c:173
> >>  function nr_socket_multi_tcp_create_stun_server_socket skipping UDP STUN 
> >> server(addr:)
> >> 
> >> (ice/WARNING) 
> >> z:/build/build/src/media/mtransport/third_party/nICEr/src/net/nr_socket_multi_tcp.c:617
> >>  function nr_socket_multi_tcp_listen failed with error 3
> >> 
> >> (ice/WARNING) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> failed to create passive TCP host candidate: 3
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  specified too many components
> >> 
> >> (ice/WARNING) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  specified bogus candidate
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  specified too many components
> >> 
> >> (ice/WARNING) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  specified bogus candidate
> >> 
> >> (ice/NOTICE) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  no streams with non-empty check lists
> >> 
> >> (ice/NOTICE) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  no streams with pre-answer requests
> >> 
> >> (ice/NOTICE) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  no checks to start
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  pairing local trickle ICE candidate host(IP4:
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)/CAND-PAIR(f91E):
> >>  setting pair to state FROZEN: 
> >> f91E|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b920
> >>  1 UDP 2130706431 13948 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#))/CAND-PAIR(f91E):
> >>  Pairing candidate IP4: 
> >> (7e7f00ff):IP4: (7effffff) 
> >> priority=9115005270299246591 (7e7f00fffdffffff)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)/ICE-STREAM(0-1524241103197000
> >>  (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#) 
> >> aLevel=0): Starting check timer for stream.
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)/CAND-PAIR(f91E):
> >>  setting pair to state WAITING: 
> >> f91E|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b920
> >>  1 UDP 2130706431 13948 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)/CAND-PAIR(f91E):
> >>  setting pair to state IN_PROGRESS: 
> >> f91E|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b920
> >>  1 UDP 2130706431 13948 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/NOTICE) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  is now checking
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)/CAND-PAIR(1vmc):
> >>  setting pair to state FROZEN: 
> >> 1vmc|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Sd51e08c2
> >>  1 UDP 1694498815 13514 typ srflx raddr rport 
> >> 13948)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#))/CAND-PAIR(1vmc):
> >>  Pairing candidate IP4: 
> >> (7e7f00ff):IP4: (64ffffff) 
> >> priority=7277816997780259326 (64fffffffcfe01fe)
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  pairing local trickle ICE candidate host(IP4: 
> >> active
> >> 
> >> (stun/INFO) 
> >> STUN-CLIENT(f91E|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b920
> >>  1 UDP 2130706431 13948 typ host)): Received response; 
> >> processing
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)/CAND-PAIR(f91E):
> >>  setting pair to state SUCCEEDED: 
> >> f91E|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Ha02b920
> >>  1 UDP 2130706431 13948 typ host)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)/CAND-PAIR(1vmc):
> >>  setting pair to state WAITING: 
> >> 1vmc|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Sd51e08c2
> >>  1 UDP 1694498815 13514 typ srflx raddr rport 
> >> 13948)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)/CAND-PAIR(1vmc):
> >>  setting pair to state IN_PROGRESS: 
> >> 1vmc|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Sd51e08c2
> >>  1 UDP 1694498815 13514 typ srflx raddr rport 
> >> 13948)
> >> 
> >> (ice/WARNING) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default):
> >>  no pairs for 0-1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#) 
> >> aLevel=0
> >> 
> >> (stun/INFO) 
> >> STUN-CLIENT(srflx(IP4:|stun4.l.google.com:19302)): 
> >> Received response; processing
> >> 
> >> (ice/ERR) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  pairing local trickle ICE candidate 
> >> srflx(IP4:|stun4.l.google.com:19302)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default):
> >>  role conflict, both controlled
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default):
> >>  detected role conflict. Switching to controlling
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)/STREAM(0-1524241103197000
> >>  (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#) 
> >> aLevel=0)/CAND-PAIR(1vmc):COMP(1): Restarting pair as CONTROLLING: 
> >> 1vmc|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Sd51e08c2
> >>  1 UDP 1694498815 13514 typ srflx raddr rport 
> >> 13948)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE-PEER(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)/CAND-PAIR(1vmc):
> >>  setting pair to state IN_PROGRESS: 
> >> 1vmc|IP4:|IP4:|candidate:Sd51e08c2
> >>  1 UDP 1694498815 13514 typ srflx raddr rport 
> >> 13948)
> >> 
> >> (ice/INFO) ICE(PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#)): 
> >> peer (PC:1524241103197000 (id=8589934631 
> >> url=file:///C:/Users/scf/Desktop/sipml5-new/sipml5-master/call.htm#):default)
> >>  Trickle grace period is over; marking every component with only failed 
> >> pairs as failed.
> >> 
> >> +++++++ END ++++++++
> > 
> > Hi,
> > I have the same Error. Asterisk +  Sipml5 on Firefox, incoming call without 
> > audio.
> > On Chrome all is ok, using chap_sip.so module or the new pjsip module.
> > 
> > Nobody has a solution?
> > 
> > Thanks you.
> > _______________________________________________
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